2018 Lecture Series Wraps with Innovative Digital Storytelling Workshop

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2018 Lecture Series Wraps with

Innovative Digital Storytelling Workshop

WHO:       Leon County

WHAT:      Leon County Library Lecture Series

WHEN:     Saturday, December 8 at 3 p.m.

WHERE:   LeRoy Collins Leon County Public Library, 200 West Park Avenue

Leon County Government, WFSU-TV, and the Florida Humanities Council invite the community to attend the last Library Lecture Series event of 2018, entitled "Digital Storytelling: Retelling The Great American Read." Join lecturer and Florida State University (FSU) professor Dr. Ned Stuckey-French for an innovative workshop on digital storytelling on Saturday, December 8 at 3 p.m., at the LeRoy Collins Leon County Main Library, 200 West Park Avenue.

Participants of all ages will learn to use existing free technology and personal digital devices to create their own video versions of the novels on The Great American Read list, which was an eight-part televised series that explored and celebrated the power of reading, told through the perspective of America’s 100 best-loved novels. The series investigated how and why writers create their fictional worlds, how readers are affected by these stories, and what the list's 100 different books have to say about our diverse nation and our shared experience.

Dr. Ned Stuckey-French is an Associate Professor and Director of FSU Certificate Program in Publishing and Editing. He specializes in the personal essay and modern American literature and culture, especially magazine culture. Dr. Ned Stuckey-French's reviews and critical work have appeared in journals such as American Literature, Modern Fiction Studies, Fourth Genre, culturefront, Tri-quarterly, Assay, The Los Angeles Review of Books, and The Iowa Review, and in The Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives, The Walt Whitman Encyclopedia and The Encyclopedia of the Essay.

To register, visit: https://leoncountydigitalstorytellinglecture.eventbrite.com .

All lectures are free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.

Funding for this The Great American Read is provided through a grant from the Florida Humanities Council. To learn more, visit https://www.pbs.org/the-great-american-read/about/show/ .

For more information, contact Leon County Community and Media Relations at (850) 606-5300 / CMR@LeonCountyFl.gov .
