Leon County to Observe 9/11 Through Remembrance and Service

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Leon County to Observe 9/11 Through Remembrance and Service

Sixth Annual Event to Highlight Service to the Community


WHO:      Leon County Government

WHAT:    9/11 Day of Remembrance and Service Ceremony

WHEN:    Thursday, September 8 at 11 a.m.

WHERE:  North Rotunda, Florida State University College of Law, 425 W. Jefferson St.


For the sixth year in a row, Leon County will remember and recognize the tragic events of September 11, 2001, while also reinforcing and carrying forward the spirit of unity that followed the attacks. Leon County invites the community to the annual 9/11 Day of Remembrance and Service Ceremony on Thursday, September 8 at the Florida State University College of Law, North Rotunda, located at 425 W. Jefferson St., beginning at 11 a.m.

After the ceremony, attendees will be asked to prepare military care packages and write encouraging letters to service men and women serving overseas.

In this spirit of service, Leon County will also present the Holland & Knight Glenn J. Winuk Humanitarian Service Award during the ceremony on September 8. The fifth annual award, presented with support from the Winuk family, honors local acts of sacrificial service that were exemplified in Glenn J. Winuk’s life and in his death at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

Parking will be available at the Donald L. Tucker Civic Center, 505 W Pensacola St. at no cost to attendees.

The Day of Remembrance ceremony will reflect upon Leon County’s neighborhood-wide service day, which takes place on Thursday, August 25, in partnership with the Tallahassee Builder’s Association, Home Depot and the Tallahassee Fuller Center for Housing. Leon County Government will lead housing rehabilitation projects of nearly a dozen residences in the Woodside Heights Community. Volunteers can still sign up to participate in projects such as landscaping, painting and beautification. 

To volunteer, visit: www.LeonCountyFL.gov/DayofService .

September 11 has now emerged as the single largest day of charitable engagement. Since 2011, participation in 9/11 Day has grown every year, exceeding 40 million participants annually. Leon County and its community partners encourage residents and neighbors to remember the service of others by making the commitment to volunteer.

For more information about the ceremony, contact Mathieu Cavell, Director of Leon County Community and Media Relations, at (850) 606-5300 or cmr@LeonCountyFL.gov .

