Florida Department of Environmental Protection SLERC Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) Rulemaking Update
Florida Department of Environmental Protection sent this bulletin at 03/31/2014 08:10 AM EDT
This notice is being sent to all subscribers of the Submerged Lands and Environmental Resources rule updates for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. The Department published a Notice of Rule Development in the Florida Administrative Register on March 31, 2014, to update Chapter 62-342, Florida Administrative Code, Mitigation Banks. The notice may be viewed on the Department of State’s web site at http://www.FLRules.org/gateway/View_Notice.asp?id=14383662. The draft rule and forms will be available on the Division of Water Resource Management site at http://www.dep.state.fl.us/water/rules_dr.htm#erp. This rulemaking involves correcting citations and references in Chapter 62-342, F.A.C., Mitigation Banks, as a result of amendments to the Statewide Environmental Resource Permitting rule Chapter 62-330, F.A.C., and repeal of rules in Chapter 62-312, F.A.C., and repeal of entire Chapters 62-343 and 62-346, F.A.C., which became effective in 2013. Other minor changes and updates are included; there are no substantive changes or changes to the process under this rulemaking. Sincerely, Alice Heathcock alice.heathcock@dep.state.fl.us |