DEP Celebrates 30th Anniversary of the
Florida-Friendly Landscaping Program™
~Eco-Friendly Landscaping Practices Help Protect Natural Resources~
 Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ (FFL) is the state’s premier program promoting sustainable alternatives to conventional landscaping. The program’s nine principles provide guidance on low-impact, environmentally-friendly, science-based landscape practices that use less water and reduce pollutant loading to Florida waters.
Join the Celebration
In recognition of the FFL program's 30th year, the program is offering free garden tours at the Orange County Extension Office Demonstration Gardens for in-person attendees along with a screening party for the premier of the Flip My Florida Yard FFL 30th anniversary one-hour TV special.
What: Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ 30th Anniversary Celebration
Where: UF/IFAS Extension Orange County Office 6021 S. Conway Road Orlando, FL 32812
When: 2 p.m., Feb. 24, 2023
How: RSVP to to register to attend in person, or visit Feb 24-26, 2023 to the watch the screening virtually.
To find webinars and other events, visit or subscribe to the mailing list.
Sign the Florida-Friendly Pledge
Signing the Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ pledge signals your commitment to protecting Florida's environment through the implementation of the nine principles (right plant, right place; water efficiently; fertilize appropriately; mulch; attract wildlife; manage yard pests responsibly; recycle yard waste; reduce stormwater runoff; and protect the waterfront).
Need help with your Florida-Friendly landscape? There are resources available. Visit the Florida-Friendly Landscaping website to find how-to guidance and contact information for your local UF/IFAS county extension experts.