CALL TO ACTION: DEP Launches Online Grant Portal for Fiscal Year 2021-22
~Water Quality Protection Grant Proposals Now Being Accepted for Review~
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has launched an online grant portal to provide eligible entities the opportunity to submit proposals for water-related grant programs. Eligible entities include local governments, academic institutions and nonprofit organizations. This grant solicitation process is part of the department's multifaceted efforts to partner with governmental entities and stakeholders to identify and implement important projects to protect Florida’s water resources.
On June 2, 2021, Governor Ron DeSantis signed the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-22 state of Florida budget, making this the largest environmental budget in the state’s history. To execute this unprecedented investment, DEP is seeking project proposals for FY 2021-22 that will bolster existing efforts to protect and restore Florida’s ecosystems, including wastewater projects, innovative technology projects, and targeted water quality improvements in Biscayne Bay, the Springs Coast watershed and the Peace River basin.
This grant program is provided to governmental entities for projects that reduce excess nutrient pollution within a basin management action plan, alternative restoration plan adopted by final order or rural area of opportunity. The program is subject to appropriation and requires a 50% local match of funds, which may be waived by DEP for rural areas of opportunity.
 Innovative Technology
This grant program is available to local governmental entities for projects that evaluate and implement innovative technologies and solutions to combat algal blooms and nutrient enrichment, restore and preserve Florida waterbodies, and implement water quality treatment technologies.
 Targeted Water Quality Improvement
For FY 2021-22, Governor DeSantis and the Legislature funded grant programs specifically targeted for water quality improvements in the Springs Coast watershed, Peace River basin and Biscayne Bay. These grant programs continue the state’s partnership with local governmental entities to address water quality challenges in these important watersheds.
 To submit a proposal or view a list of past grant awardees, please visit
Please note, any information submitted to DEP will become a public record, subject to disclosure in accordance with Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and Article 1, § 24 of the Florida Constitution. Submittal of a project proposal does not create an agreement nor does it guarantee funding. All awards are contingent upon legislative appropriations.