Avoid Delays and Denials in the Processing of Collection/Transmission System Permit Applications and Clearance Requests

CS Avoid Delays

To ensure timely processing of the Notification/Application for Constructing a Domestic Wastewater Collection/Transmission System (Notification/Application) and Request for Approval to Place a Domestic Wastewater Collection/Transmission System into Operation (clearance), please fill forms out completely and accurately. To facilitate expedited review and issuance of permits, DEP will provide a quick application review in advance of submission. This advanced review helps ensure that the application provides all information necessary to process the request, and not prevent delays or potential denial and loss of fee. Please contact our wastewater permitting section at 850-595-8300 for additional information.

common deficiencies

Please note:

  • Low-pressure sewer systems or projects connecting to dry lines are not eligible for the General Permit, and must instead apply for an Individual Permit.
  • Plans must be signed, sealed, and dated by a Professional Engineer.
  • Required site plan needs to indicate the approximate location of the project, including the city and the closest identifying streets.

Notification/Application Part II:

  • (1) Collection/Transmission System Permittee - Email Address: DEP is using electronic correspondence rather than paper mail to deliver documents faster while reducing costs and waste; therefore, an email address is required. This section should not be left blank.
  • (2) General Project Information
    • Project Description: This section should provide a brief description of the overall project (e.g., service to a new 25-lot residential subdivision), a separate description of all pipes used in the project including the type (gravity, pressure, etc.), material (PVC, HDPE, etc.), inside diameter, and length of each, as well as the number of manholes and/or lift stations (e.g., Construction will include approximately 1000 LF of 8-inch PVC gravity sewer, 3 manholes, a Duplex Submersible Lift Station, and approximately 300 LF of 6-inch PVC force main).
    • Connections to Existing System or Treatment Plant: This section should provide a brief description of how and where the project connects to the existing sewer system (e.g., The new 6-inch force main will connect to an existing 10-inch force main at the intersection of 1st street and Main street). This section should not be left blank or marked “1” or “N/A.”
  • (5) Collection/Transmission System Design Information:
    • A Checklist: The checklist in this section must be completely filled out. Each item should have either the engineer’s initials or an X signifying that the item does not apply to this project. None of the checklist items should be left blank.
    • Explanation for Requirements of Standards Marked “X”: This section should provide a brief explanation of why the requirements marked “X” do not apply to this project (e.g., “19 – no inverted siphons proposed; 27-33 – no stream crossings”, etc). This section should not be left blank or marked “N/A”.

  • Separation Distances from Mains to Other Pipes as Provided in Rule 62-604 and 62-555.314, F.A.C: Review and update separation details to ensure they comply with department rules. If there are conflicts in the separation requirements between collection systems and drinking water facilities, and those established in Chapter 62-532 or 62-555, F.A.C., then the requirements in Chapter 62-532 or 62-555, F.A.C., shall apply. Separation guidance is available at https://floridadep.gov/sites/default/files/Location-of-PublicWaterSystemMains.pdf

  • Notification/Application Part III, Certifications: The application should not be submitted until the permittee, future owner, and utility have signed on pp. 9-10.

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Part II General Project Information: Description of Project for Which Approval is Being Requested:

  • This section should not be left blank or marked with general descriptors (e.g., “Phases 1 & 2” or “Remainder of Project” are not acceptable).
  • Only if this is a request to clear the entire project, and there have been no prior partial clearances, may this section be marked “Entire Project”.
  • If this project has already had a partial clearance, or if this is a partial clearance request, then this section requires a description of the portion being cleared, including pipe length, number of manholes and pump stations (e.g., “200 LF of 8-in gravity sewer, 2 manholes, 1 lift station and 40 ft of 4-inch force main”).
  • Also required is a copy of the site plan or sketch that shows the portion of the project for which approval is being requested, clearly indicated or highlighted.
  • Please ensure that all signatures have been included.

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Both the permittee and the proposed permittee shall sign and submit in writing a request to transfer the permit with the appropriate fee of $50.00. The permitted construction is not authorized past the 30-day period unless the permit has been transferred. A clearance for the project will not be issued until the department has received and processed the written request for transfer.

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Wastewater forms and clearance requests may be submitted either by mail or by electronic submittal to Epost.nwdwf@FloridaDEP.gov. The P.E. seals must be legible. Do not submit wastewater forms or clearance requests to individual DEP email accounts, as this can create delays in the receipt and processing of the requests. Please note that for permits requiring a fee, the payment must be received by DEP prior to permit issuance.

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