Three Rivers State Park Reopens
~Following significant damage from Hurricane Michael, the park is now open for day use~
 Staff and leadership from DEP's Division of Recreation and Parks gathered to celebrate the reopening of Three Rivers State Park.
SNEADS, Fla. – Today, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s Florida Park Service hosted a ceremony celebrating the reopening of portions of Three Rivers State Park. DEP's Deputy Secretary for Land and Recreation Barbara Goodman was in attendance, as well as Florida Park Service Director Eric Draper, who spoke to the park's recovery efforts.
"This reopening shows recovery and resilience," said Florida Park Service Director Eric Draper. "I saw the park just a few days after Hurricane Michael and wondered when it could once again be a place for gatherings, picnics and enjoying the outdoors. That moment is now, and I'm thankful for the park staff and volunteers who worked incredibly hard to make it happen."
The park, which experienced significant damage from Hurricane Michael, specifically to the dense forest surrounding Lake Seminole, is now open for day-use. Around 90 percent of the trees were broken, knocked down or twisted by the storm, which impacted facilities and the campground. Trail access is limited, and the park’s campground remains closed but is anticipated to reopen soon.
Visitor safety remains paramount as response efforts continue. Florida State Parks staff continue to work as quickly as possible to finish remaining cleanup and repairs at impacted parks. Amenities and access to certain areas of the parks, including the campground and trails, may be limited until the work is completed.
Three Rivers State Park is named for the three main rivers that converge within its boundaries to form Lake Seminole: the Apalachicola, the Chattahoochee and the Flint. This peaceful park offers opportunities for hiking through forested hills of pine and mixed hardwoods, and some of the best freshwater fishing in the state. With the park’s reopening, visitors can once again enjoy this amazing natural resource.
Of the 31 state parks impacted by the storm, only one park remains closed. Learn more by visiting Florida State Parks.