STATEMAP Statement of Outcome - The FGS Needs Your Help!

Dear FGS Friends and Colleagues,


Are you aware that geologic maps can have a return on investment exceeding $30 saved for every dollar invested?  Benefits of geologic maps come in many forms, including aquifer recharge, mineral resources, land-use planning and geohazard mitigation.  At the FGS, our submittals to the U.S. Geological Survey supporting the STATEMAP geologic mapping program are routinely among the top-ranked (and top-funded) proposals in the country. We want to stay at the top, but we need your help! 


The new proposal process to seek 1:1 matching-fund grants now requires a Statement of Outcome.  If you have recently used a STATEMAP product in support of your decision making, we want to know.  I invite you to send us a letter describing how the geologic map supported your mission, goals or objectives.*  It would be most helpful to receive the letter before November 8, 2017.


Thanks for reading, and for your support. 




Jon Arthur


*Statement of Outcome letters “…should be one page with a bibliographic citation showing how one of your state’s recently published STATEMAP products was used by another organization or person.  It is beneficial to include a letter from the organization stating that the geologic map was a critical component of their decision-making process.”  Sample letters are available upon request.  More about STATEMAP is located here.