DEP Meet-Ups Monthly Workshop - Stormwater NPDES

DEP Meet-Ups Monthly Workshop header

Stormwater NPDES

(National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System)

Richard Miller, Department of Environmental Protection


February 1, 2017
2 - 4 p.m.


Joseph P. D'Alessandro Building, Room 165
2295 Victoria Ave. 
Fort Myers, FL 33902


Upcoming Topics:

March 1, 2017:

Living Shorelines
Dianne Rosensweig - SCHEDA Ecologial Association

April 5, 2017: 
Open House - What new technologies are available in your field


The DEP 
Meet-Ups are FREE and held the first Wednesday of each month. 
Time and location are the same.

About the Class:

Stormwater runoff from construction activities can have a significant impact on water quality by contributing sediment and other pollutants to waterbodies. Construction projects that disturb at least an acre of land are required to carry the NPDES Generic Permit for Stormwater Discharge from Large and Small Construction Activities (CGP). This class will seek to educate industry professionals about the inspection process and the most common violations noted during routine inspections of construction sites.

About The Speaker:

Richard Miller began his career as a private stormwater inspector and worked with two different companies in that capacity from 2006 to 2012. In 2013, he began working in his current position as an inspector with DEP’s South District. His primary areas of focus are industrial and construction related stormwater compliance. He also conducts hazardous waste inspections and coordinates the Clean Marina Program for the South District.

About DEP Meet-Ups Monthly Meetings

These events provide an opportunity for participants to learn, update and share information with a monthly guest speaker who provides channels of participatory discussions.

They are also a great networking opportunity, creating connections across communities, businesses and government agencies to identify actions that can stimulate economic growth and regional cooperation while protecting natural resources.

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