by Ronnie McGhee, FAIA, NCARB, LEED AP
Based upon recent inquires received, the Board of Architecture, Interior Design, and Landscape Architecture is providing this clarification on the legal requirements for procuring and using an architect seal. As you may be aware, the regulations in the District of Columbia for procuring and using a seal on technical submissions and design documents are found within Chapter 34 of Title 17 of the D.C. Municipal Regulations. Generally, the regulations require each individually licensed architect in the District of Columbia to procure a seal that must contain the name of the licensed architect, their license number, and the words “LICENSED ARCHITECT - DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA.” The seal must comply in all respects with the sample seal shown below:
No seal should be affixed to a design document or technical submission that is not prepared by the licensed individual or under their direct supervision, or which is prepared by another licensed architect who has reviewed and approved the project under their direct supervision. Additionally, a licensed architect must not affix their seal to a design document or technical submission that depicts works that the individual is not competent to perform. Any architecture services that are solicited or provided by a firm in the District of Columbia – including signing off on all design documents – are required to be under the responsible charge of a supervising architect who is licensed in the District of Columbia. Only the licensed supervising architect for a firm with responsible charge for a project in the District of Columbia is permitted to sign and affix their seal to a design document or technical submission prepared and completed on behalf of the firm. Please be advised there is no law or regulation in the District of Columbia that requires an architecture firm to procure a separate and independent seal.
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License renewal applications and attestation of continuing education requirements must be submitted by October 31, 2024. The District of Columbia Board of Architecture, Interior Design, and Landscape Architecture requires 10 contact hours of continuing education to renew your license. As of this writing there are 218 renewal eligible licensees. A license to practice interior design shall expire at midnight of October 31st of each even numbered year.
Your license can be renewed online using this link:
NOTE: In addition to renewing their license, licensees should ensure their contact information is accurate with the DLCP system. It is each licensee's responsibility to notify the agency of changes to their contact information, which will ensure they receive pertinent information regarding their license.
If you do not already have one, you will first need to create an Access DC account at:
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The “Landscape Architect Services Sales Tax Clarification Amendment Act of 2023” (Bill 25-0277) is moving through the Council of the District of Columbia. Introduced on April 27, 2023, this bill would clarify that landscape architects licensed in the District or design firms employing District-licensed landscape architects, be exempt from the requirement to charge a 6% sales tax on landscape services. On January 24, 2024, the Council held a hearing on the bill, and Board of Architecture, Interior Design, and Landscape Architecture Chairman Ronnie McGhee and Member Robert Alter testified in support. The next steps are two Council votes, the signature of Mayor Muriel Bowser, and Congressional review.
There also have been two noteworthy rulemakings. The first rulemaking, Licensure by Examination, effective May 17, 2024, amends the license requirements so they conform with changes made by the National Council of Architectural Registration Board. It eliminates the five-year limitation for which one can receive credit for passing a section of the Architect Registration Examination (A.R.E.). A passing score now remains valid throughout the life of the exam version plus one subsequent version. It also allows applicants to satisfy the prerequisites to the A.R.E. by participating in the Integrated Path to Architectural Licensure program. Applicants previously had to obtain a degree and meet experience requirements. The rulemaking also changes the name of the Intern Development Program to the Architectural Experience Program to reflect current industry practice and terminology.
The second rulemaking, Continuing Education Requirements for Renewal or Reinstatement of a License, effective July 12, 2024, amends the continuing education licensure renewal requirements. It allows individuals to attest to completing continuing education requirements instead of submitting proof of completion, reducing the administrative burdens on applicants and the Board of Architecture, Interior Design, and Landscape Architecture. It also requires individuals to retain proof of completion of continuing education courses for six years and allows the Board of Architecture, Interior Design, and Landscape Architecture to audit licensees to verify compliance with the requirements.
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ASHA SHAGLE, Landscape Architect
The DC Board of Board of Architecture, Interior Design, and Landscape Architecture welcomes its newest member, Ms. Asha Shagle.
On April 17, 2024, Ms. Shagle was sworn in to the Board of Architecture, Interior Design, and Landscape Architecture, filling a vacant seat, for a term to end November 17, 2026.
Ms. Shagle's core belief is that everything is connected, and every link tells a story. This inter-multidisciplinary aspect of our profession is what keeps me energized after twenty plus years of practice. She believes that good design representing all influential factors has the power to restore the spirit of a place, uplift every individual and the collective environment.
She embodies leadership qualities and takes the initiative on team-based projects. Ms. Shagle is a positive team player and values mentoring junior staff.
The Board is happy that such a talented individual has been added to the membership.
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Licensure by Examination, effective May 17, 2024, amends the license requirements so they conform with changes made by the National Council of Architectural Registration Board. It eliminates the five-year limitation for which one can receive credit for passing a section of the Architect Registration Examination (A.R.E.). A passing score now remains valid throughout the life of the exam version plus one subsequent version. It also allows applicants to satisfy the prerequisites to the A.R.E. by participating in the Integrated Path to Architectural Licensure program. Applicants previously had to obtain a degree and meet experience requirements. The rulemaking also changes the name of the Intern Development Program to the Architectural Experience Program to reflect current industry practice and terminology.
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Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Boards (CLARB) Annual Meeting September 18 - September 21, 2024 Buffalo, NY
License renewal applications and attestation of continuing education requirements due by October 31, 2024.
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If you have been thinking that it would be good to contribute more to the architecture community at large, then now is your chance. The Board currently has a vacancy for an architect member and two Interior Designer members. Interested parties are welcome to submit an application. Please note that there is a residency requirement that limits board members to living in Washington, DC proper.
Interested in joining the Board? Please visit the website of the Mayor’s Office of Talent and Appointments (MOTA) - and click through the link entitled “Join A Board or Commission” Interested parties may also contact the Board Administrator, Ms. Avis Pearson at
Meetings are held on Fridays as shown below at 10:00 am
January 19, 2024
February 2024 - Recess
March 8, 2024
April 19, 2024
May 2024 - Recess
June 7, 2024 - Cancelled
July 19, 2024
August 2024 - Recess
September 6, 2024
October 18, 2024
November 15, 2024
December 2024 - Recess
Dates are subject to change. Call 202-442-4320 for updates.
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