This month marked a significant milestone for the District with the achievement of 36,000 new homes by 2025, a target Mayor Bowser set in 2019 at the start of her second term. The District is at the forefront of housing production in the region, including both overall and affordable housing. Despite comprising only 12% of the region’s population, the District has achieved 31% of all new housing units in the DC region over the past five years. The Office of Planning (OP) has been working to advance the Mayor’s housing goals through community planning and zoning initiatives. Read more about the the impact of reaching this goal here.
As summer continues, OP has been engaging with residents about design and planning in their neighborhoods. We’re excited to bring three community planning efforts to you for your feedback. In this newsletter, you can learn more about the North Capitol Crossroads Vision, Ivy City Small Area Plan, and Nannie Helen Burroughs Corridor Small Area Plan and how you can participate in shaping these plans.
Anita Cozart
Director, DC Office of Planning
North Capitol Crossroads is the District’s initiative to envision a transformational future for the area surrounding the intersection of North Capitol and Irving Streets. The project is centered around Catholic University and Trinity Washington University, the Irving Street NW hospital complex, the Armed Forces Retirement Home, and McMillan Reservoir.
OP has identified four opportunities to reimagine North Capitol Crossroads as a more open, well-designed, and multi-modal area anchored by places to live, work, visit, and heal. Each of the opportunities aim to create more interconnected neighborhoods while elevating the area’s cultural heritage.
Four Transformational Opportunities:
 Garden Gateway: An iconic park framed with mixed-income apartments
 First Street NW Connector: A link that connects neighborhoods, jobs, parks, and history
 North Capitol Bridge Top: A green corridor with a mix of uses that connect existing institutions with community hubs
 Michigan Ave and Irving Street NE: A hub of institutions with apartments, shops, and places to gather
OP invites you to review the four opportunities at northcapitolcrossroads.com and let us know what you think by completing a short survey by September 13th.
The North Capitol Crossroads visioning began with the collection of oral histories that are featured in OP’s District Crossroads podcast miniseries. Earlier this month, OP staff joined City Cast DC for a live podcast taping. They discussed how we’re examining the past and the present of the North Capitol Crossroads community while reimagining the area’s future. You can hear more about in this project in this City Cast DC episode.
City Cast DC Live Taping with OP on July 13th
 The Ivy City Small Area Plan is a guiding document that establishes a long-range, community-guided vision for a thriving and inclusive community. The vision supports long-time as well as new residents and businesses of the historic Ivy City neighborhood. The small area plan identifies tools, policies, and programs to strengthen the community as it faces economic, demographic, and development changes. OP coordinated with residents and community stakeholders for the past year and a half to develop the Ivy City Small Area Plan.
The draft Ivy City Small Area Plan includes recommendations to improve:
- Housing Affordability & Opportunity
- Community Resilience
- Public Space & Urban Design
The draft Ivy City Small Area Plan is available for public comment through August 16. Visit publicinput.com/ivycitysap to view the draft plan and for information on how to submit feedback. Following the public comment period, OP will incorporate community feedback and submit the final small area plan for Council approval in the fall.
OP will host a Public Hearing on the draft Ivy City Small Area Plan on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024, from 10:00am - 12:00pm at the Trinity Baptist Church located at 1814 Central Place NE. At the Public Hearing, individuals can provide three minutes of testimony for the record. The public hearing will be transcribed. Written comments may be submitted into the record online though a Public Comment/Feedback Form.
The Nannie Helen Burroughs Corridor Small Area Plan envisions a more vibrant corridor that includes a mix of uses including retail and housing, parks and green spaces, and stronger pedestrian and multimodal connections. The small area plan was developed through robust community engagement and is a guide for the community, District government, housing providers, property owners, and advocacy organizations to implement the Comprehensive Plan’s policies for greater equity and resilience.
The draft Nannie Helen Burroughs Corridor Small Area Plan includes recommendations to achieve this vision around four themes:
- Housing & Economic Development
- Parks & Green Spaces
- History & Culture
- Public Realm & Urban Design Guidelines
The draft Nannie Helen Burroughs Corridor Small Area Plan is available for public comment through August 15. Visit engage.dc.gov/nhbsap to view the draft plan and for information on how to submit feedback. Following the public comment period, OP will incorporate community feedback and submit the final small area plan for Council approval in the fall.
OP will host a Public Hearing on the draft Nannie Helen Burroughs Corridor Small Area Plan on Saturday, August 3, 2024, from 11:00 am-1:00 pm at the Faunteroy Community Center located at 4800 Nannie Helen Burroughs Ave NE. At the Public Hearing, individuals can provide three minutes of testimony for the record. The public hearing will be transcribed. Written comments may be submitted into the record online by emailing nhbcsap@publicinput.com.
OP invites community members to share feedback on the draft design guidelines for the Anacostia Historic District commercial corridor through Friday, August 30th.
The guidelines aim to assist residents, property owners, and developers in identifying the defining features of Anacostia's historic character and provides a framework for guiding the design of new construction additions and alterations along the Anacostia Historic District commercial corridor.
OP will incorporate community feedback and present the final guidelines to the Historic Preservation Review Board during the Board’s September meeting.
Review the guidelines and share your thoughts here.
Columbia Heights & Mount Pleasant Community Workshop
Join us for an open house community workshop on August 13th from 4 to 8 PM. We’ll share preliminary findings from our Public Life Assessment and walkshops and gather input on how neighbors want to see their community prosper. Don’t miss this opportunity to share your vision for the future of public space in Columbia Heights and Mount Pleasant!
Visit publicinput.com/chmpstudy for more information.
Learn more and get involved in our community planning projects:
36,000 by 2025 Anouncemnt on July 29th
Columbia Heights/Mount Pleasant Community Walkshop on July 8th
Columbia Heights/Mount Pleasant Community Walkshop on July 10th
Ward 7 Commemorate DC Design Workshop on July 13th
Ward 8 Commemorate DC Design Workshop on July 13th
Ivy City Small Area Plan Office Hours at Crummell School on July 15th
Columbia Heights/Mount Pleasant Community Walkshop on July 8th
Columbia Heights/Mount Pleasant Community Walkshop on July 10th
Ward 7 Commemorate DC Design Workshop on July 13th
Ward 8 Commemorate DC Design Workshop on July 13th
Ivy City Small Area Plan Office Hours at Lewis Crowe Park on July 16th
OP's Food Policy team at USDA Farmers Market on July 19th
OP is looking to hire a Development Review Specialist to join our team. Learn more about this position and apply today!
Development Review Specialist (Closing Date: 8/14/2024)
The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) and the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) have launched DMVMoves, a new joint initiative to develop a unified vision for transit service in the region. To support this initiative and inform this vision, COG and WMATA are conducting a survey to understand residents’ needs and desires about the future of public transportation in the region.
Please complete this survey by August 4 to help improve transportation in your community.
To learn more about DMVMoves, visit dmvmoves.org