August is open season for taxi drivers to choose DTS providers, which service District taxis with digital taximeters. All licensed taxis in the District are required to have digital meters and DFHV is increasing its enforcement of this requirement. Learn more here.
DFHV is looking for taxi and ride-hail company representatives and drivers to serve on the AAC. The AAC helps the agency shape the future of for-hire services by advising on ways to improve for-hire vehicle accessibility for people with disabilities and older adults needing transportation service in the District. Virtual meetings are generally held on the second Tuesday of every other month from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Please complete and send the AAC 2023 Application to Faye Dastgheib at
Applications are due by September 29, 2023.
If you have any questions, or need the application in an alternative format, please contact Faye Dastgheib at or 202-645-4051.
License plates must be visible. Do not cover your license plate with any cover that obstructs the plate. Vehicles with obstructed tags are subject to a $50 fine.
All taxis must accept credit cards and electronic payments. Customers who are told they can only pay in cash may file complaints with DFHV. Drivers who do not accept electronic payments are subject to fines of $100. Additionally, all taxi drivers must be using their meters. If a driver is not using their meter or their meter is not working correctly, they can be fined $500. Signs asking for cash only are also prohibited.
Next Fare DC fare map shows where to find customers.
DFHV has launched a website where for-hire drivers can find the most customers. Next Fare DC uses historical trip data to show a heat map of where the most pick-ups have been at a given time of day. You can explore the data by changing the timeframe and use the hand wave button to show live taxi pickups in the last five minutes. Check it out at |