Learn24 Newsletter - September 2, 2022


Office of Out of School Time Grants and Youth Outcomes

Job Opportunities

Community Outreach and Relations Specialist - Mayor's Office of Community Relations and Services

Grants Management Specialist - Serve DC

Community Action Team Specialist - District of Columbia Public Schools

Education Research Analyst - Office of the State Superintendent of Education

Program Manager - Department of Employment Services

Multiple Positions Available - FRESHFARM

Family Engagement Coordinator - Horton's Kids

Director of Strategic Partnerships - National Network for Youth

Learn24 Events

Introduction to Racial Equity - September 14, 2022 (Webinar)

Interactive Learning Tools - September 19, 2022 (Webinar)

Tutoring Best Practices & Multiple Intelligences - September 21, 2022 (Webinar)

Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Prevention - September 27, 2022 (Webinar)

Professional Development Opportunities

Leading With Equity -  September 8, 2022 (Webinar)

In this workshop, individuals will gain a clearer sense of what a racial equity journey looks like for their organization. More information can be found about this webinar and other opportunities hosted by the Center for Nonprofit Advancement here.

SEL for Kids, for Adults, for Everywhere! - September 15, 2022 (Webinar)

Join Second Step as they provide an overview of programs and how they work together to help educators take a more holistic approach to SEL, from helping littlest learners harness their potential to empowering adults to strengthen their own social-emotional skills. Learn more here

Program Quality Assessment (PQA) Basics for the Youth & School-Age PQAs - September 16, 2022 (Webinar)

This workshop hosted by the Forum for Youth Investment  provides an introduction to the Youth Program Quality Intervention and Program Quality Assessment and prepares participants to conduct a self-assessment. Register to attend here.

Seat at the Table: Understanding the Critical Link Between Student Mental Health and the Future of Work - September 21, 2022 (Webinar)

Join Education Week for a webinar to discuss some of the best ways to promote the kind of learning that will serve youth well beyond their K-12 years.  Learn more about this webinar here.

Threading Voices to Advance SEL -  September 29, 2022 (Webinar)

This webinar hosted by CASEL Cares will highlight data that shows overwhelming support from parents and caregivers to advance social emotional learning (SEL). Learn more about this webinar and more opportunities hosted by CASEL Cares here.

Note: References to events, workshops, organizations, or activities do not serve as an endorsement or recommendation from the OST Office, Learn24, or the Government of the District of Columbia.

Learn24 Wishes All a Safe and Successful School Year 2022-23

The Office of Out of School Time Grants and Youth Outcomes (OST Office), located in the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education (DME) would like to wish all students, families, teachers, school staff, youth development workers, and  community members a safe and productive School Year 2022-23. The OST Office hopes this year brings a new energy and passion, extensive opportunities, and great learning experiences that provide long lasting memories. Wishing everyone a great school year!

Upcoming Virtual Workshops from The Institute for Youth Development 

The Institute for Youth Development is committed to providing youth development professionals with an opportunity to gain practical skills that can be implemented in their interactions with youth immediately. This listing of upcoming workshops helps promote a positive environment with youth.

Register now! Space is limited. 

Help Families Locate Your OST Program 

Help families by listing your out-of-school time (OST) program(s) on the Learn24 program finder. Organizations that serve youth in the District of Columbia are encouraged to list their program. Families can use the program finder to identify out-of-school time (OST) programming in specific focus areas, ages, locations, and  more for school-aged children. Complete this form to have your program listed. 

Promising Practices

In the first newsletter of each month, The Institute for Youth Development will highlight a specific indicator from the Weikart Center's Youth Program Quality Assessment (PQA) on promising practices in the field.

During times of virtual learning, it is important to identify innovative ways to connect with youth.  Youth development practitioners can continue to engage youth and support learning while using fun and interactive platforms.  Below are a few free websites that can be used to increase interactions with youth whether virtually or face-to-face.

Kahoot: www.kahoot.com

Kahoot is a game-based learning platform that makes it easy to create, share, and play learning games or trivia quizzes. There is no limit to how many youth are able to participate or where the youth are located. Participants use a laptop, phone, or tablet and visit the Kahoot website to access the live quiz or game. 

Slido: www.slido.com

Slido is an easy to use question and answer polling platform. This platform can create polls using word clouds, open text response questions, multiple choice quizzes, and ranking games.

Mentimeter: www.mentimeter.com

Mentimeter lets users create interactive presentations and allows the presenter to obtain real-time input with live polls, quizzes, and word clouds.

Google Drive

Google Drive has many interactive features which can be used when collaborating with participants. Presenters have the ability to create real-time forms, documents, spreadsheets, and slides. Google forms have the ability to summarize quiz results and generate immediate answers.

Please join us on Monday, September 19th, 2022 from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm for Learn24's Interactive Workshop – Interactive Learning Tools. To register click here,

Community Opportunities

High-Impact Tutoring (HIT) Grant - Request for Application (RFA) Release on September 16

The Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) is releasing funding for approximately five to seven grants to support existing successful evidence-based tutoring programs to scale. The funding period will run from approximately January 9, 2023 through September 30, 2024. Please see OSSE’s HIT website or the 2022-23 grants forecast for more detailed information on the available award types and eligibility.

The RFA will be available on OSSE’s website on Friday, September 16, 2022 at 12:00 pm. The deadline to submit an application will be Monday, October 31, 2022 at 3:00 pm. Applications will be accepted only through OSSE’s Enterprise Grants Management System.

If you have any questions about the grant, please email the HIT grants team at HIT.Grants@dc.gov.

Funding Opportunities

Learn24 OST Youth Scholarship Program

The Office of Out of School Time Grants and Youth Outcomes is excited to partner with the Greater Washington Community Foundation to help provide OST programs to students with specific needs. Examples of programs that the scholarship may support include, but are not limited to, programs designed specifically for students with disabilities, advanced learners, and English Language Learners. Individuals not considered at-risk may also be eligible to receive a scholarship based on need and availability of funding. Scholarships of up to $10,000 are available for individual students for use in approved OST activities in calendar year 2022. The minimum scholarship award is $1,000. For more information, please click here

D'Addario Foundation Grant

The D'Addario Foundation is accepting letters of inquiry from programs that bring music back into communities and schools and get kids playing as early and as frequently as possible. The D'Addario Foundation is recognized as a global leader in finding, funding, and partnering with transformative music education organizations. Prospective grantees must complete a letter of inquiry by Saturday, October 15, 2022. Learn more at www.daddariofoundation.org/grants.

The Shubert Foundation

The Shubert Foundation awards grants towards general operating support for dance organizations that operate in the United States. The deadline to apply is Tuesday, October 18, 2022 by 6:00 pm. Learn more about the funding criteria, past grantees, eligibility requirements, frequently asked questions, and more here

The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation

The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation is accepting grant applications from nonprofit organizations that work to improve the lives of DC-area residents, with a particular emphasis on vulnerable and underserved individuals. Organizations that provide comprehensive services and work towards systemic change are encouraged to apply. Applications must be received by Tuesday, November 1, 2022. View information regarding the application process, funding restrictions, previous grant recipients, and more here.

American Association of University Women Community Action Grants

The American Association of University Women is offering grant assistance to community-based nonprofit organizations for innovative programs or non-degree research projects that promote education and equity for women and girls. Grant awards range from $3,000 to $10,000. Applications must be received by Thursday, December 1, 2022. View information regarding eligibility, selection criteria, regulations, required components, and more here

Serve DC - The Mayor's Office on Volunteerism and Partnerships Funding Alert

Weekly newsletter of funding opportunities.

Learn24 rule

For resources and additional information on the District of Columbia Government’s response to coronavirus (COVID-19), please visit coronavirus.dc.gov.

Questions or feedback, contact Learn24 at Learn24@dc.gov, or visit us at Learn24.dc.gov.

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