Applications are now being accepted for the three (3) new alcohol license types created by the Reopen Washington DC Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration Amendment Act of 2022.
They include:
Third-Party Alcohol Delivery License
Permits the same day delivery of alcohol to consumers within DC by delivery companies on behalf of alcohol-licensed restaurants, taverns, and other retailers and manufacturers.
Commercial Lifestyle License
Permits the on-premises consumption of alcohol purchased from alcohol licensed tenants of mixed-use commercial developments within predefined boundaries not licensed by ABRA such as along or on walkways, piers, breezeways, plazas, and other outdoor areas.
Grocery Store 25 Percent Class A
Permits a newly constructed grocery store to sell beer, wine, and spirits for off-premises consumption. Licensees who open and operate a newly constructed grocery store for at least one (1) year in a Ward 5 “qualifying zone”, in the Ward 6 Buzzard Point neighborhood, or in Wards 7 or 8, will become eligible to apply to open a store of the same type elsewhere in DC.
To learn more about each license type, listen to the information session recording or visit abra.dc.gov. License questions should be directed to abc@dc.gov.
 There are four (4) holiday weekends remaining in 2022 that are eligible for extended hours. They include:
Indigenous Peoples' Day Weekend | Friday, October 7 – Monday, October 10
Veterans Day Weekend | Thursday, November 10 – Sunday, November 13
Thanksgiving Day Weekend | Wednesday, November 23 – Sunday, November 27
Christmas Day Weekend | Friday, December 23 – Monday, December 26
Establishments registered in the program may sell and serve alcohol until 4:00 a.m. and operate 24 hours a day. Extended hours start the evening of the first date and end at 4:00 a.m. on the last date.
To register, licensees must submit an Extended Holiday Hours Application and Public Safety Form at least 30-days before the first approved holiday that they would like to participate. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. There is no fee to participate.
Related, Daylight Savings ends at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday, November 6. Any licensee that normally ends alcohol service at 2:00 a.m. will automatically gain an additional hour to conduct business.
 The reimbursable percentage for the public safety program will be restored from 50 to 65 percent effective on Saturday, October 1.
Through the Reimbursable Detail Subsidy Program, eligible licensees and groups such as Business Improvement Districts and Main Streets are able to hire off-duty Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) officers to patrol the outside of alcohol establishments or at outdoor events at a subsidized rate.
Program registration, officer scheduling, and licensee invoicing is coordinated by MPD.
ABRA and MPD will co-host a virtual information on the program at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, October 13. Advance registration is required.
 Alcohol License Renewal Deadline | Friday, September 30
Alcohol licenses for all B&Bs, nightclubs, and taverns expire at the end of September. Licensees who do not renew timely will be subject to a late fee of $50 per business day, not to exceed the annual license fee, starting on Monday, October 3.
The Alcohol Beverage Control Board will issue Cease and Desist and Cancellation Orders on Wednesday, October 19 and Wednesday, November 2, respectively. MPD and wholesalers will be provided copies of the Orders.
Licensees who have questions about attaining Certificates of Clean Hands from the District’s Office of Tax & Revenue are encouraged to listen to the recorded information session.
If you hold a license expiring on September 30 and you have not yet received your renewal packet in the mail, please email abc@dc.gov with "Missing Renewal Packet" in the subject line.
License and endorsement fees are detailed on ABRA’s website.
 ABRA hosts trainings and information sessions on an ongoing basis. All sessions are offered virtually and are free with advanced registration. Upcoming sessions include:
MPD Reimbursable Detail Officer Program
Thursday, October 13 at 10:30 a.m. Get an overview of the program which enables alcohol licensees to hire off-duty police officers at a subsidized rate. Co-hosted by the Metropolitan Police Department.
ABC 101
Tuesday, October 25 at 10:30 a.m. An introduction to ABRA, key alcohol laws and regulations, and best practices.
 Each month, a roster of alcohol licensed establishments is published to ABRA’s website. Included are the entity and trade names, license status, license number, license type, street address, Ward, and Single Member District. Information can be sorted based upon the needs of the reader.
This resource is helpful for ANC Commissioners, Business Improvement Districts and residents interested in the businesses operating in their neighborhood.
View the current roster.
 Codified Laws Update
An updated DC Official Code Title 25: Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration and DC Municipal Regulations Title 23: Alcoholic Beverages is now available.
Final Rulemaking for Metropolitan Police Department Reimbursable Detail Subsidy Program
The final rules for RDO were adopted by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board on August 3, 2022. The final rulemaking modifies the RDO Program as follows:
- Restores the hours of eligibility for obtaining reimbursement for RDO services to the pre-COVID-19 pandemic hours of 11:30 p.m. to 5:00 a.m., Sunday through Saturday;
- Restoring the hours of eligibility for obtaining reimbursement for RDO services for temporary license holders or those approved for a one-day substantial change permit to the pre-Covid-19 pandemic hours of twenty-four (24) hours a day; and
- Includes the DC Main Streets Program on the list of entities eligible for participation in the RDO Subsidy Program, thus allowing reimbursement.
Notice of Emergency and Proposed Rulemaking - Glover Park Moratorium Zone
The emergency rules to extend the Glover Park Moratorium were adopted by the ABC Board and became effective on June 8, 2022. The rules ensure limitations on the issuance of licenses for taverns, nightclubs and multipurpose facilities and keep the existing legislation in place until final rules are established. These emergency rules will remain in effect until October 6, 2022, unless superseded by another rulemaking.
 ABRA’s office will be closed on Monday, October 10 and the ABC Board will be in recess on Wednesday, October 12 in observance of Indigenous Peoples' Day.
View the 2022 office and ABC Board schedule.