Temporary Closures for DC PLUG Feeder Project through May 15, 2022
Washington, D.C.) —The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) will have temporary single lane, sidewalk, and shoulder closures to perform construction activities as part of the DC PLUG Feeder 368 project beginning May 03, 2022, weather permitting.
Daily closures will take place between 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. We are encouraging the use of alternate routes to avoid delays as a result of the shift in traffic due to work being performed.
The parameters for lane and sidewalk closures are as follows:
Alabama Avenue, SE - – Single Lane Closure
Single left or right lane closure will occur anytime daily from 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. on Alabama Ave SE between Q Street SE and R Street SE.
Alabama Avenue, SE - – Single Lane Closure
Single left or right lane closure will occur anytime daily from 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. on Alabama Ave SE between Barker Lane S.E. and Massachusetts Avenue SE.
Alabama Avenue, SE - – Single Lane Closure
Single left or right lane closure will occur anytime daily from 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. on Alabama Ave SE between Barker Lane S.E. and Beck Street SE.
Traffic controls will be in place to guide all users of the roadway and sidewalks through the work zones safely. Motorists should expect delays due to the lane closures and are advised to stay alert and be observant of signage and road work crews while traveling in this area.
These closures are required for construction activities associated with the following DDOT project:
District of Columbia Power Line Undergrounding (DC PLUG)
The District of Columbia Power Line Undergrounding (DC PLUG) initiative is a partnership between the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) and Pepco to improve the resiliency and reliability of the District of Columbia electric system by placing select systems underground. Feeders are primary distribution power lines that provide services to approximately 1,100 residents within a specific neighborhood.
For more information about the DC PLUG Initiative and to stay up-to-date on traffic related impacts and construction progress, please visit www.DCPLUGinfo.com or contact the DC PLUG team by phone at
1-844-758-4146 or by email at questions@DCPLUGinfo.com.
The District Department of Transportation's mission is to equitably deliver a safe, sustainable, and reliable multimodal transportation network for all residents and visitors of the District of Columbia.
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