Temporary Lane Closures for Florida Avenue NW & 9th Street NW Reconstruction Project from May 6 through May 12, 2022
(Washington, DC)—The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) will temporarily close south bound Vermont Ave NW for a full depth roadway repair beginning May 06th through the 12th 2022, weather permitting. The initial closure and detour on Vermont Ave NW, will continue through Thursday May 05, 2022. Additional closures will continue through the 12th,2022 as indicated below.
Vehicles will be detoured thru 9th St. NW into U St. NW as indicated in the map below.
Detour: South Bound Vermont Ave NW between U St. NW & Florida Ave. NW
North bound Vermont Ave NW is also scheduled to temporarily close for a full depth repair starting Friday May 06,2022 thru Thursday May 12,2022.
Vehicles will be detoured thru U St. NW into W St. NW as indicated in the map below.
Detour: North Bound Vermont Ave NW between U St. NW & Florida Ave. NW
Traffic controls will be in place to guide all users of the roadway through the work zone safely. Motorists should expect delays due to lane closures and are advised to stay alert and be observant of signage and road work crews while traveling in this area.
These closures are required for construction activities associated with the following DDOT project:
Florida Avenue NW/9th Street NW Reconstruction Project
DDOT is reconstructing Florida Avenue and 9th Street NW from T Street to Barry Place NW to provide safer access for all modes and improve the conditions of the existing roadway, pedestrian, and bicycle facilities. The project includes updating and installing landscaping, drainage, waterline, traffic signals, streetlights, bike lanes and shared use lanes.
For more information about the Florida Avenue NW/9th Street NW Reconstruction Project and to stay up-to-date on traffic related impacts and construction progress, please visit https://rebrand.ly/FloridaAveNW or www.ddot.dc.gov.
The District Department of Transportation's mission is to equitably deliver a safe, sustainable, and reliable multimodal transportation network for all residents and visitors of the District of Columbia.
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