April 29, 2022
Dear Washingtonians,
As you may have already seen, earlier this week, I was at Ballou High School to be part of the special announcement that Pharrell is bringing his SOMETHING IN THE WATER festival to Washington, DC this summer.
While the announcement was exciting to be part of, I was even more excited that the Ballou Majestic Marching Knights had one more opportunity to show off their talents to a national audience. And what is obvious, when you watch and listen to the marching band, is that the love and passion of their band director, Mr. Darrell Watson, can be felt throughout the band room and through their music. Mr. Watson is a DC native, a Ballou and UDC alum, and he has been teaching at Ballou his entire 27-year teaching career.
And it's not just in the band room where great things are happening. While at Ballou, I also had the pleasure of meeting the longest serving teacher at DC Public Schools, Ms. Sharon Bean.
I met a few superstars at Ballou. Ms. Bean has been teaching at DCPS for 43 years.
Mr. Watson and Ms. Bean represent the thousands of amazing teachers who serve in schools across all eight wards. They represent the many teachers in our city who inspire and support the hopes and dreams of our students, including the more than 1,000 teachers who have been at DCPS for more than 10 years, the 308 teachers who have been at DCPS for more than 20 years, and the 101 teachers who have been at DCPS for more than 30 years!
As we prepare for Teacher Appreciation Week, we are grateful for all that teachers, principals, assistant principals, coaches, and school staff do every day to make sure young people in DC feel challenged and loved. We have the best of the best teaching in Washington, DC and we look forward to celebrating our teachers next week.
Tomorrow, on Saturday, April 30 at 10:00 a.m., the Mayor's Office of Community Affairs (MOCA) and the Mayor's Office of Community Relations and Services (MOCRS) are hosting a Meet & Greet at the Raymond Recreation Center!
This event will give DC residents an opportunity to:
- learn more about the Mayor's Office of Community Affairs and the services its 12 constituent offices provide;
- meet and engage with representatives of the Mayor's Office of Community Relations and Services;
- meet community partners and organizations;
- ask questions and share ideas on how our offices can work with the community; and
- engage fellow Washingtonians and learn more about their concerns and challenges.
Entertainment and light refreshments will be provided. Learn more HERE.
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This week, Mayor Bowser joined Pharrell at Ballou to surprise students with an announcement that this summer, over Juneteenth weekend, the SOMETHING IN THE WATER festival is coming to Washington, DC. You can watch Pharrell surprise students in the Ballou Marching Band HERE.
Tomorrow, on Saturday, April 30 from 10:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m. at the Entertainment and Sports Arena, DC residents will have special access to a “DC Locals Only” sale. Learn more HERE.
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Last week, Mayor Bowser recognized National Reentry Month and announced that approximately 200 residents who have been identified as most at risk of committing or being victimized by violent crime have been matched with interagency service teams for urgent connection to services.
The initiative, which is called the People of Promise initiative, is targeting the approximately 200 residents who have been identified by the National Institute for Criminal Justice Reform (NICJR) as being at highest risk of involvement in gun violence in the District. Each person has been assigned a multidisciplinary team to include a Credible Contact, a Pathfinder, and a member of Mayor Bowser’s cabinet.
The primary goal of the initiative is to disrupt cycles of violence, poverty, and incarceration through consistent engagement with individuals and connections to supports and services. Credible Contacts will utilize community connections to find individuals in the community and build trusting relationships with them to learn more about risk level, stage of readiness, and service needs. Pathfinders assist Credible Contacts with service navigation and track outreach and service delivery efforts to measure progress. The participating cabinet members will lead the multidisciplinary teams and conduct case reviews with Pathfinders and Credible Contacts and assist with troubleshooting difficult service needs and ensure requests directed to programs and services under their purview are quickly resolved.
Learn more HERE.
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Want to help make fun happen? DPR is now hiring for more than 500 summer jobs! Make new friends and memories while earning money at sites across DC. Examples of available jobs include: lifeguard, camp counselor, and warehouse assistant.
Learn more and apply for a position at dpr.dc.gov/summerjobs
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