DC DMV offers members of certain organizations special vehicle tags. A list of organizations that currently offer vehicle tags is available here.
 Every year, March is designated Women's History Month by presidential proclamation. This month is set aside to honor women's contributions in American history. Visit us on social media this month where DMV will celebrate the accomplishments of several women who have made extraordinary contributions to the automotive industry. We're excited to celebrate their legacies and the accomplishments of all women who have helped shape America.
Masks Still Required at All DMV Locations
 Effective March 1, 2022, masks are still required at DC Government facilities with direct interaction between employees and the public. Please continue to wear your mask at all DC DMV facilities.
 Earlier this month, Director Robinson attended the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) annual conference where he was interviewed on the Association's podcast. During the interview, Director Robinson discussed the evolution of DC DMV's virtual hearing program, including its recent expansion to include parking and photo enforcement tickets. He also noted how the virtual hearings have benefitted local law enforcement personnel as they are now able to participate in hearings virtually from their local precincts rather than traveling to Adjudication Services.
The full interview can be heard here.
District residents are always interested in understanding how their local government is operating. If you are coordinating an upcoming community meeting, and there's an opportunity for DMV leadership to participate and provide updates on the agency's various activities and initiatives, we would love to partner with you.
To schedule a representative from DMV to speak at your next community event, please contact us at 202-729-7035.
In recognition of DC Emancipation Day, all DC DMV locations will be closed Friday, April 15. Regular business hours will resume Saturday, April 16. Many of DC DMV's services will remain available online or via the agency's free mobile app.