In October, the Office of Planning reached a significant milestone in our commitment to open data and transparency with the release of the new OP Demographic Data Hub. This user-friendly website makes popular demographic charts and data much more accessible for residents, researchers, and other stakeholders. It is yet another way in which we work to better meet residents where they are. Read more about the new data hub below.
In November, OP will continue to support the DC Council’s Subcommittee on Redistricting by providing testimony at the public hearing on the Ward Redistricting Amendment Act of 2021 on November 5th. OP will also provide testimony at the Committee of the Whole’s public hearing on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map and Generalized Policy Map Approval Resolution of 2021 on November 3rd.
Please stay tuned, as we will continue to provide updates on all of these efforts as we look to support our shared values and goals. As always, we encourage you to share our newsletter with others, who can sign up here. In addition, you can follow our work on Twitter under @OPinDC.
Andrew Trueblood
Director, DC Office of Planning
The OP Demographic Data Hub is an online, interactive information service that provides reliable, up-to-date data on the demographics of the District of Columbia. This one-stop hub, which includes the latest 2020 Census data, will help residents, government agencies, and community leaders access data and analysis to support strategic planning, policymaking, and business development across the District.
The OP Demographic Data Hub re-envisions OP Data Viz which launched in 2019. The data featured in the new platform covers a variety of city-wide, ward and census-tract level indicators ranging from population size to household income. New features include a snapshot of key DC demographic statistics; District-wide and Ward profiles; interactive infographic reports; a geographic analysis section with maps visualizing demographic differences across the city; a categorical data section that allows users to download data; and a library of OP visualizations, maps, and reports.
The new hub was built in partnership with DC’s Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO), and ESRI, an international supplier of geographic information tools, including ArcGIS.
Visit opdatahub.dc.gov to access the OP Demographic Data Hub. In addition to providing data content online, OP provides free technical assistance and training on how to access Census data to local non-profit and community organizations, government agencies, researchers, and the general public.
OP continues to pursue new ways to advance Mayor Bowser’s housing goals of 36,000 new housing units, with 12,000 affordable, by 2025. Last year, OP proposed Expanded Inclusionary Zoning (IZ+) to increase affordable housing, targeting high opportunity areas and areas proposed for more housing on the Future Land Use Map in the updated Comprehensive Plan. After the Zoning Commission’s approval of IZ+ earlier this year, OP proposed additional adjustments to the IZ program with IZ-XL. On October 14, 2021, the Zoning Commission approved OP’s proposal for IZ-XL Phase1 which expands the regular IZ program to apply to certain exempt zones and increases the height threshold from 50 ft to 85 ft as it relates to type of construction and the corresponding regular IZ set-side requirement for all zones subject to IZ. For the second phase of IZ-XL, the text amendments will apply the regular IZ program to existing non-residential buildings that convert to residential use in those zones subject to IZ. OP will continue to work with the Zoning Commission to help meet the housing and recovery needs of the District.
For more information on IZ+ and IZ-XL, please visit planning.dc.gov/inclusionaryzoning.
The Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development and The Nourish DC Collaborative announced the opening of the Catalytic Grant application to support local small food businesses increasing access to healthy food and creating quality jobs in DC.
The Nourish DC Collaborative was created in partnership with the DC government to support the development of a robust ecosystem of locally owned food businesses. Nourish DC provides loans, technical assistance, and grants to emerging and existing food businesses in the District of Columbia, with a focus on businesses located in or owned by residents of underserved neighborhoods.
Nourish DC supports the entire food value chain including grocery stores, food incubators, corner stores, cooperative businesses, farmers' markets, food delivery businesses, urban farms, food processors, food hubs, restaurants, and caterers. Nourish DC is committed to building a strong local food ecosystem that supports healthier neighborhoods, economic prosperity, and high-quality job creation in the District.
Grant Information
Funding Range: $10,000 - $50,000
Grant Use: New product development, marketing, technology, equipment, real estate acquisition, construction, tenant improvements
Eligible Business Location: Food business must be physically located in DC, preference for Wards 5, 7, or 8
Eligible Business Revenue: Food businesses generating revenue equal to two times the amount of grant funding requested
Application Period: Applications opened Tuesday, October 26th and will close on Tuesday, November 16th.
Join upcoming webinars and office hours to learn more about the catalytic grants and other Nourish DC products. For more information on eligibility or to start your online application, visit: https://www.capitalimpact.org/nourishdc
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OP is looking to hire Community Planners to join our Citywide and Neighborhood Planning teams. Learn more about the positions and apply today!
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