(Washington, DC) —The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) will conduct bridge preservation and repair activities under the 9th Street Bridge at the Ramp to Maine Avenue SW in The District of Columbia Bridge Network. This work will be performed starting Monday, July 19, 2021 thru August 9, 2021, Weather permitting.
Work will take place between the daily rush hours 9:30 am to 3:00 pm and at night between the evening and morning rush hour from 8:30 pm to 5:00am. The left outbound lane will be closed for the duration of the work, July 19 thru August 13, 2021.
Traffic controls will be in place to warn drivers approaching the areas. Motorists should anticipate moderate-to-heavy delays due to the lane closures.
Drivers are advised to stay alert while traveling through these locations and to be observant of the inspection and construction personnel.