DDOT TRAFFIC ADVISORY: Temporary Lane Closures in Multiple Locations for I-295 Corridor Improvement Project from March 12 through March 19, 2021

traffic advisory


March 12, 2021 


Media Contacts:

Lauren Stephens –  (202) 465-6112, lauren.stephens@dc.gov

Mariam Nabizad – (202) 359-2678, mariam.nabizad@dc.gov  


Temporary Lane Closures in Multiple Locations for I-295 Corridor Improvement Project from March 12 through March 19, 2021


(Washington, DC)—The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) will temporarily close single lanes on the following roadways for construction related to the I-295 corridor Improvement Project. 


  • Southbound right lane on I-295 at East Capitol Street SE on Friday, March 12, 2021, from 10am to 3pm, weather permitting
  • Northbound right lane on I-295 at Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue NE from Monday, March 15 through Friday March 19, during the hours of 7am to 7pm, weather permitting


Periodic lane closures will be required for equipment mobilization, utility upgrades, and pavement work, including guardrail installations associated with this location as part of multiple DDOT improvement projects along the I-295/DC 295 corridor.


For more information about DDOT’s ongoing efforts to improve the I-295 corridor,





The District Department of Transportation's mission is to equitably deliver a safe, sustainable, and reliable multimodal transportation network for all residents and visitors of the District of Columbia. 


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