March 2019 DHCD Connection Newsletter

Department of Housing and Community Development Connection

Letter from the DHCD Director


Greetings Washingtonians, 

I’m always proud to say DHCD has made more affordable housing happen over the last four years in levels never seen before in the District of Columbia—thanks to the unprecedented investments made by Mayor Bowser.

But for all the residents who are now benefiting from our increased production and preservation of affordable housing—over 7,200 units since 2015—more individuals and families are still seeking a Fair Shot at living and thriving in all eight wards of our great city.

That’s why our Mayor has set an ambitious goal for us to do even more in her second term. She laid the foundation in her January 2 inaugural address; by 2025, we will need to produce 36,000 additional units of housing in DC alone—with at least 12,000 being affordable—and 240,000 units across our region. She sketched out the financial framework in her March 18 State of the District (SODA) address, announcing that her FY 2020 budget will invest nearly $200 million more in the production and preservation of affordable housing. Two days later, she built out the details in her budget release, which was jam packed with new monies for housing, such as:

fair shot
  • Increasing investments in the Housing Production Trust Fund (HPTF) by 30 percent—to $130 million.
  • Increasing investments in the Housing Preservation Fund by 50 percent—to $15 million, which will yield an additional $45 million in private investment that will more quickly provide the financing needed to help preserve existing affordable housing.
  • Creating a new $20 million Workforce Housing Fund, which will leverage private sector investments 9 to 1—resulting in a $200 million fund. All of these monies will be spent to create and preserve housing for workers such as teachers, police officers, firefighters, janitors, and social workers.
  • Providing $37 million in new funds to continue the implementation of Homeward DC to make homelessness rare, brief, and non-recurring.
  • Adding $5.2 million to expand and increase Schedule H—DC’s income tax credit to help offset rising property taxes.

The Mayor’s intentional and innovative vision is not limited to the District alone. She is advancing regional and national strategies on solving the affordable housing crisis, most recently by holding the first formal meeting as chair of the National League of Cities Housing Task Force.

Also, her vision isn’t targeted just to policy and budget stakeholders—District residents are a large part of the solution. Truly, these are exciting times, as we all play a part in increasing the supply of affordable housing in the District.

Polly Donaldson, DHCD Director

Follow me on Twitter: @maryrandolph

Roots to Roofs

Mayor Bowser Makes Historic $138 Million Investment in Affordable Housing

On March 19, Mayor Bowser announced the selection of 11 projects that will receive $138 million in DC Government funding to produce or preserve housing for more than 2,600 Washingtonians—including residents experiencing homelessness.

The 11 selected projects include 1,180 units that will produce and preserve affordable housing across Wards 1, 4, 5, 7, and 8. The projects consist of five new production projects, three preservation projects, and three mixed projects that preserve existing units but also will add new affordable units. All projects will serve households making no more than 80 percent of the Median Family Income (MFI, $117,200 in FY 2018, based on a family of four). Over 12 percent of units will be designated toward permanent supportive housing (PSH), serving individuals and families transitioning from homelessness and making no more than $35,160 (30 percent MFI).

The funding for the projects includes $107,430,898 from the HPTF, $26 million in equity from 9 percent low-income housing tax credits (LIHTC), $5 million in Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) funds, and 146 Local Rent Supplement Program (LRSP) vouchers.

The projects will now proceed to the underwriting stage and join other selected projects already in DHCD's pipeline. The next Request for Proposals for affordable housing projects is anticipated to be issued in Summer 2019. The 11 projects are listed below.

New Production Projects

  • Spring Flats Family (Ward 4): Will produce 67 units using $9,943,765 in HPTF, including 58 units of affordable housing and nine PSH units. Developer: Spring Flats MD, LLC, comprised of Victory Housing, Brinshore Development and Banc of America Community Development Corporation.
  • Abrams Hall Assisted Living (Ward 4): Will produce 54 PSH units using $3,339,434 in HPTF; $9,992,850 in 9% LIHTC equity ($999,285 annual allocation). Developer: Urban Atlantic, Hines, and Housing Up.
  • 218 Vine Street NW (Ward 4): Will produce 121 units of affordable housing, including 24 PSH units, using $12,729,738 in HPTF; $11,000,000 in 9% LIHTC ($1,100,00 annual allocation). Developer: Jair Lynch Real Estate Partners.
  • 2442 MLK (Ward 8): Will produce 112 units of affordable housing, including six PSH units, using $19,216,779 in HPTF. Developer: MidAtlantic Realty Partners LLC.
  • 17 Mississippi Ave. SE Apartments (Ward 8): Will produce 41 units of affordable housing, including nine PSH units using $8,022,141 in HPTF. Developer: Legacy Real Estate Development LLC.

Preservation Projects

  • Cedar Street Apartments (Ward 4): Will preserve 30 units of affordable housing, including three PSH units, using $4,996,040 of 9% LIHTC equity ($499,604 annual allocation). Developer: Joseph Development, Inc.
  • Park Southern Apartments (Ward 8): Will preserve 334 affordable units, including 10 PSH units, using $19,180,000 in HPTF. Developer: The Park Southern Residents’ Council, Inc., and Vesta Equity Corporation.
  • Savannah Apartments II (Ward 8): Will preserve 65 units of affordable housing using $5,502,356 in HPTF and $2,705,620 in HOME funds. Developer: NHT-Enterprise Preservation Corporation.

Production and Preservation Projects

  • Tivoli Gardens (Ward 5): Will provide 90 units, including two PSH units, using $2,220,125 in HOME funds. Developer: Manna, Inc.
  • Urban Village Phase I (Ward 1): Will provide 115 units of affordable housing, including 14 PSH units, using $11,899,298 in HPTF. Developer: Somerset Development Company.
  • Kenilworth 166 Phase 1 (Ward 7): Will provide 166 units of affordable housing, including 17 PSH units, using $17,597,387 in HPTF. Developer: The Warrenton Group, Michaels Development Company, and the DC Housing Authority (DCHA).

Mayor Bowser Delivers New Affordable Housing,
Community Amenities to Ward 4

On March 13, Mayor Bowser cut the ribbon at The Beacon Center, a mixed-use development in the Brightwood neighborhood of Ward 4 that includes 99 affordable housing units—as well as an array of community services—targeted at low- to moderate-income households.

The Beacon Center, located at 6100 Georgia Avenue NW, is a collaborative effort between private entities and city agencies, and is a redevelopment of the historic Emory United Methodist Church. The development will house close to 300 individuals and families—including veterans, seniors, and individuals transitioning from homelessness. Specifically, 18 PSH units are for households making no more than $35,160 (30 percent MFI), and 81 units are for households making no more than $70,320 (60 percent MFI). Nearly one-third of units are family sized.

The development of The Beacon Center is a collaboration of DC Government agencies, including DHCD, the DC Housing Finance Agency (DCHFA) and DCHA. The affordable housing component was made possible by $17.2 million in HPTF financing from DHCD. DCHFA provided $21.6 million in bonds and $16 million of equity raised through 4 percent LIHTC. DCHA is administering $215,352 annually in LSRP funds to support eight efficiency and one-bedroom units for formerly homeless persons.

The Beacon Center also includes multi-purpose space for cultural, civic, and social services, as well as a newly renovated 500-seat multipurpose sanctuary and community theater.

The Mayor was joined at the rousing Beacon Center event by Ward 4 Councilmember Brandon Todd and over 200 members from the local and faith-based communities. The Emory Fellowship (Emory United Methodist Church, Emory Beacon of Light, Inc.) and The Community Builders are the development partners for the project. See media coverage of the event here.

diane's house

Local Ministry to Construct Deeply Affordable Housing in Ward 5 Using DHCD Funds

Diane’s House Ministries and Flaherty Collins Properties received nearly $6.8 million in equity from 9 percent LIHTC to construct a 42-unit affordable housing project at 2619-2621 Bladensburg Road NE in the Gateway neighborhood in Ward 5. 

Diane’s House will consist of 39 PSH units for individuals and families and three affordable units for on-site staff. Residents for PSH units will come from the District’s Coordinated Entry System and will receive supportive services from Community Connections, a non-profit agency offering behavioral health and residential services.

“Since 1990, Diane’s House Ministries has been serving women in the District of Columbia area,” says Apostle Diane C. Crawford, president and founder. “We are called to serve, and this new affordable housing development will be a great testament to the faith and partnerships that have brought us so far.”

“These projects are true partnership, from the District and Community Development areas through the financing teams that help make a vision a reality,” added Flaherty & Collins Vice President of Development Duane Miller. “We are fortunate to have great project partners and we’re ready to see this project make an impact.”

Other News of Note

bread for the city

NonProfit Will Expand its Social Services East of the River  Thanks to DHCD Financing  

A nonprofit’s ability to provide social services to low-income residents in Wards 7 and 8 has been greatly expanded thanks to $3.6 million in DHCD financing.

DHCD provided a $3.6 million loan using federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to Bread for the City, Inc. (BFC), for a new 30,000-square-foot community facility at 1700 Good Hope Road SE in the Ward 8 neighborhood of Anacostia.

The BFC Southeast Center will allow BFC to serve 20,000 more clients in Wards 7 and 8 through social services programs such as: (1) legal representation on housing, family, domestic violence, and public benefits law; (2) primary medical care, behavioral health services, as well as dental, vision, and wellness care; (3) expanded food distribution capabilities, to include a rooftop vegetable garden and educational space; (4) expanded clothing distribution services; and (5) a new jobs center. The center is expected to open in 2020.

“The new Southeast Center will be a beacon of Good Hope for the entire community,” said BFC CEO George Jones. “Support from DC Department of Housing and Community Development is critical to making our new center possible.”

March 2019 Edition

march madness

Join Us for March Madness

Want a special preview of projects soon to be available to the District’s development community? Join Mayor Muriel Bowser and Deputy Mayor of Planning and Economic Development Brian Kenner at the Fifth Annual March Madness.

At the event, attendees will learn about upcoming solicitation opportunities and can network among the public and private sector DC development community. TeamDHCD looks forward to seeing you there!

Here are the details:

  • Date: Tuesday, March 26, 2019
  • Time: 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
  • Location: Entertainment and Sports Arena, 1100 Oak Street SE
  • RSVP here.


Condo Owners: Get Filing Tips for Structural Defect Warranty Claims

Did you know that a warranty—generally for two years from purchase date—protects condominium owners from structural defects in their property?

A March 28 workshop will help provide answers on how condominium associations and unit owners can file warranty claims with DHCD's Rental Conversion and Sale Division (CASD). Here are the details:

  • Date: Thursday, March 28, 2019
  • Time: 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. EDT
  • Location: DHCD Housing Resource Center
  • RSVP here.

needs assessment

Hope to See You at Final DC Needs Assessment/Fair Housing Hearing 

We have one more “Needs Assessment and Fair Housing” hearing, on March 28, where you can give input on: (1) spending priorities for federal entitlement funds, to will help form a basis for developing the District’s draft FY 2020 Annual Action Plan; and (2) Fair Housing Impediments in the District as part of our efforts to affirmatively further fair housing and our 2012-2017 Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (AI).  

Here are the details on the hearing:

  • Date: Thursday, March 28, 2019
  • Time: 6:30 p.m.
  • Location: All Souls Unitarian Church, 1500 Harvard Street NW
  • RSVP for the hearing here.

Date Set for Budget Oversight Hearing

It's time for the Budget Oversight Hearing at the DC Council—a great way for the public to provide input, and get information on, agencies' financial priorities for FY 2020:

  • Date: Tuesday, April 23, 2019
  • Time: 1:30 p.m.
  • Location: John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Room 412
  • All hearings will be livestreamed at

Save the date

Save the Date: April 30 Fair Housing Symposium

Planning is well underway for our annual Fair Housing Symposium, where the state of fair housing in the District and efforts to ameliorate fair impediments will be discussed. Mark your calendars and look for more details in the coming weeks:

  • Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2019
  • Location: The Auditorium at DC Housing Finance Agency, 815 Florida Avenue NW


Save the Date: June 15 for  Annual Housing Expo!

In just a few months, we'll be hosting the District's biggest celebration of housing! More details are to come but make sure you put the 11th Annual DC Housing Expo and Home Show on your calendar.

  • Date: Saturday, June 15, 2019
  • Time: 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
  • Location: Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Hall D, 801 Mt. Vernon Place NW

We look forward to building on the great memories from last year's Expo. See video clips here and here (the second is thanks to WHUR).

house key

Over $1.3M in HPAP/ EAHP Goes to 21 Households in February

In February, 21 households in the District received more than $1.3 million in down payment and closing cost assistance to become first-time homeowners. Congratulations to our newest Home Purchase Assistance Program (HPAP) and Employer Assisted Housing Program (EAHP) recipients!

Quick Links

Here are some links to popular DHCD services:

Video Stories


Five homeowners share how it is possible to purchase affordable housing in DC. 


This video shares how we are helping residents by producing and preserving affordable housing, and revitalizing neighborhoods. 

love housing

Check out our short videos about how much we love housing DC residents using HPAP and IZ. 

  • Inclusionary zoning: In this video as well as this video, see how IZ has given residents a shorter commute and proximity to more amenities. 
  • HPAP: The videos here and here share a variety of stories about the  journey toward homeownership.