Credit Recovery
Members of the public testify at June Public Meeting
Credit recovery programs have been used by DCPS and charters to provide a way for students that have failed an underlying course to have the opportunity to learn the material and earn the necessary credit.
OSSE prepared emergency and draft regulations that were discussed by the State Board at our June working session. Shana Young, Chief of Staff, and Justin Tooley, Special Assistant for Legislation and Policy presented draft regulations to the State Board.
During our public meeting on June 20th, District residents and representatives from both DC Public Schools and the DC Public Charter School Board spoke on the record with the State Board about the proposed regulations as it deliberates.
These regulations are expected to come to a vote in July and will be issued for public comment in the DC Register in the coming months.
ESSA Task Force Continues Work on Report Card Design
Members of the ESSA Task Force from June 2018 meeting
This month’s task force meeting opened with a presentation from the Office of the State Superintendent (OSSE) on the state report card design and the ongoing efforts in support of measuring and improving measures of school climate and access to opportunity. OSSE is partnering with five community-based organizations to conduct feedback sessions. The report card is an important part of DC’s responsibilities under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and will debut in December 2018.
Task force members then broke into their subcommittees related to leadership, academic rigor, school resources and funding equity, and school environment. The Task Force will take a summer break and reconvene on Tuesday, September 11.
Office of the Student Advocate Provides Quarter 3 Update
Chief Student Advocate Faith Gibson Hubbard works with workshop participants at the 2018 Community Schools National Forum in Baltimore, MD
Faith Gibson Hubbard, Chief Student Advocate, and her team updated State Board members on the Office of the Student Advocate’s work. Ms. Gibson Hubbard commended her staff and fellows for the work performed during her recent maternity leave.
- OSA received 155 calls in Quarter 3; in two-thirds of those requests, the OSA provided coaching and information, including referring parents and families to other government agencies.
- OSA received 539 calls in 2018 to-date, with most calls coming between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m.
- 92 percent of calls were from parents identifying as African American. The most RFAs come from residents of Ward 8 (26%), followed by Ward 7 (17%) and Ward 5 (16%).
- OSA has contacted more than 800 individuals about initiatives and upcoming events through strategic email outreach.
Go-To Guide resource was launched to help parents and students navigate the education landscape in the District.
- Parent and Student Advisory Committee is meeting monthly and the Special Education Workshop Series has improved and expanded; workshops have recently been held in Wards 1 and 6 with DC Councilmembers Brianne Nadeau (Ward 1) and Charles Allen (Ward 6).
- OSA expanded its anti-bullying efforts, recently hosting a Citywide Bullying Workshop in Ward 4 at the Petworth Library.
- OSA highlighted their family partnership model at the 2018 Community Schools National Forum in Baltimore, MD.
Student Representative Update
Student Advisory Committee Meeting May 2018
For the second year in a row, State Board members were excited to receive over 20 applications from students at 16 different public and public charter high schools who are interested in serving as Student Representative. State Board members are currently reviewing the applications, which include essays, letters of recommendation, and information about extracurricular activities and awards. Two Student Representatives will be selected in July and will serve from September 2018 – May 2019. These Student Representatives will participate in all State Board meetings and discussions and will cast ceremonial votes on all matters before the State Board. They will also serve as co-chairs of the Student Advisory Committee. All applicants who are not chosen for Student Representative will be considered for Student Advisory Committee membership.
SBOE in the Community: June 2018
In June, SBOE members criss-crossed the District visiting DCPS and charter schools, attending high school graduation events, and participating in important community gatherings.
Karen (Ward 7 / President), Ashley (At-Large), and Joe (Ward 6) attended Mayor Bowser’s press conference announcing the new search committee for DC Public Schools Chancellor
Karen (Ward 7 / President) was the keynote speaker at Total Sunshine’s annual awards ceremony honoring D.C.’s public and charter high school valedictorians and salutatorians
Jack (Ward 2 / Vice President) honored award recipients at the Critics and Awards Program for High School Students Awards (Cappies) ceremony
Laura (Ward 1) participated in the Ward 1 report card feedback session
Ruth (Ward 3) and Markus (Ward 8) worked with educators at the EmpowerEd Teacher Council Meeting
Lannette (Ward 4) and Joe (Ward 6) convened with fellow members of the ESSA Task Force at its monthly meeting
Lannette (Ward 4) attended Banneker High School’s graduation
Joe (Ward 6) helped to bid farewell to CHML’s Principal Eatman
Markus (Ward 8) attended graduation at Thurgood Marshall Academy (his alma mater)
The State Board looks forward to continuing our engagement with the community throughout the summer!
Upcoming Meetings