SBOE Adopts #DCGradReqs Recommendations
 Task force members at the final meeting
This month, the State Board unanimously adopted the recommendations of its High School Graduation Requirements Task Force. The Board approved a resolution which sent the recommendations to OSSE for consideration. OSSE will review the recommendations expressed in the report and will continue to work with the Board on policy changes that may stem from those recommendations.
Task force members reached consensus on the following recommendations for the consideration of the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) to put forward into regulatory policy:
- Provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate they have mastered course content for world language and mathematics in lieu of taking the course.
- Reduce the number of required community service hours from 100 to 50.
- Create a personalized learning plan for each public school student in the District, and revisit this plan in elementary, middle, and high school to ensure the student is on track to graduate.
Student Advisory Committee Report
 Members of the 2017-18 Student Advisory Committee
At this month’s public meeting, Student Representatives Tallya Rhodes (H.D. Woodson High School) and Tatiana Robinson (Frank W. Ballou High School) along with members of the Student Advisory Committee (SAC) presented a final report to the Board for consideration. The SAC met eight times over the course of the 2017-18 school year and selected two key topics that the SAC feels can be changed or improved in the District’s public schools. The proposals submitted by the SAC focused on college readiness and equal access to educational opportunity in the District. Working in two teams, SAC members developed a peer-to-peer mentoring program for District students and built a resource website for students looking for guidance and insight into college and career opportunities.
ESSA Task Force Continues Work on Report Card Design
Earlier this month, the ESSA Task Force met for its tenth meeting since August 2017. Representatives from OSSE updated task force members on the design of the new citywide school report card. To design a report card tool that’s helpful for parents and families, we need your help! Help spread the word to your networks by hosting an in-person session. All of the materials you need to host a successful session are available online at this engagement site. The report card is an important part of DC’s responsibilities under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and will debut in December 2018.
The Task Force will meet again on Tuesday, June 5.
 Task force members during this month’s meeting
SBOE Honors John Stone III & Eastern Health and Medical Sciences Academy
This month, the SBOE recognized John Stone III on his recent retirement. Our Ward 6 representative, Joe Weedon, introduced the ceremonial resolution honoring Mr. Stone’s outstanding contributions to preparing District students for careers as skilled healthcare professionals. Mr. Stone worked with students at the Eastern High School Health and Medical Sciences Academy through their Business Advisory Council for over two decades, including the past ten years as the organization’s treasurer.
 Mr. Stone and members of the Eastern High School Health and Medical Sciences Academy Honored at May Public Meeting
SBOE in the Community
In May, SBOE members criss-crossed the District visiting DCPS and charter schools, attending community events, and participating in important policy summits.
Karen (Ward 7 / President) lauded District teachers for their exceptional contributions at the Gold Standard of Excellence Awards.
Jack (Ward 2 / Vice President) honored parents, families, and the LGBTQ community at the PFLAG 45th Anniversary Reception.
Ruth (Ward 3) attended #FirstFridays at Rocketship Rise Academy and visited the Smithsonian Anacostia Museum.
Ashley (At-Large) and Joe (Ward 6) were up early to join District students at the Bike to School Day event.
Markus (Ward 8) joined Councilmember Trayon White and members of the community to help along safe passage routes near Ballou High School.
Ruth (Ward 3) and Joe (Ward 6) joined SBOE staff during May school visits to School Without Walls and Center City Shaw.
Laura (Ward 1) participated in the citywide PAVE Parent Policy Summit on education.
Joe (Ward 6) joined students, District employers, and partners at Eastern High School’s College and Career Day.
The State Board looks forward to continuing our engagement with the community throughout the month of June!
 At-Large Representative Ashley Carter, Policy Fellows Kit Faiella and Abby Ragan, Administrative Support Specialist Dyvor Gibson, and Ward 6 Representative Joe Weedon at Bike to School Day 2018