ESSA Task Force
ESSA task force members engage in group work
On Tuesday, March 6th, the DC State Board of Education (SBOE) held its monthly Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Task Force meeting. Representatives from the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) opened the meeting by sharing the report card mockup website, which represents the first step in designing the report card. Task force members then worked independently in small groups to provide feedback on the draft report card. After this presentation, task force members engaged in a conversation about their work on a shared definition of equity.
Check out the meetings materials here: Minutes | Presentation Materials | Watch the Replay
The task force will hold its next meeting on Tuesday, April 3rd.
#DCGradReqs Task Force
#DCGradReqs task force members participate in group discussion
Our SBOE #DCGradReqs Task Force held its 11th meeting on Wednesday, March 14th. Watch the replay here and read the minutes here.
Key Takeaways
- Task force members engaged in an in-depth discussion of mastery language and community service requirements.
- Members broke out into groups to discuss the next steps for creating individualized learning plans and differentiated diplomas for District students.
Make your voice heard by emailing or by filling out an online form here. We also encourage you to join our Facebook discussion group here to share your voice with the community.
The next #DCGradReqs task force meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 11th. During this meeting, the task force will continue to formalize the details of the proposed technical changes to the requirements and discuss a balance between ensuring that all students receive targeted graduation supports without putting undue burden on schools. The task force is set to conclude its work next month.
SBOE in the Community
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