Monthly Snapshot: July 6, 2017
#DCGradReqs Members Announced
 Majority Reside or Work East of the Anacostia River
On Friday, June 30th, we announced the new members of our High School Graduation Requirements Task Force! We received an overwhelming response to our call for participants, with 113 unique applications submitted representing all 8 wards. The majority of the selected members reside or work east of the Anacostia River. In truly transparent fashion, all applications for the Task Force remain open to public review.
This initiative marks an historic citywide effort to review, analyze and, as necessary, make thoughtful, implementable recommendations to adjust DC’s high school graduation requirements for all DCPS and public charter school students. The Task Force, under the leadership of Ward 1 representative Laura Wilson Phelan and Ward 8 representative Markus Batchelor, consists of 26 members who will provide unique insights relevant to high school graduation.
The application period closed at 12:00 noon on Friday, June 23, 2017. Each application was subsequently anonymized to ensure objectivity in selection. The SBOE Educational Excellence & Equity Committee reviewed each application and then selected participants to serve on the Task Force. The SBOE is excited to work with such diverse voices, including representatives from our education governing bodies, on such an important issue.
In the Community
 President Karen Williams, Ward 7, and community members
 Ruth Wattenberg, Ward 3 & Markus Batchelor, Ward 8
SBOE Community Engagement Updates
 SBOE Approves Guide to Defining Science Achievement
Over the last two months, State Board members engaged in discussions with OSSE on the DC Science Assessment. At our June working session, OSSE brought to the SBOE recommended cut scores for the five levels of performance on the assessment. State Board members reviewed and discussed the cut scores and subsequently approved them during June’s public meeting.
The approval of cut scores culminates a multi-year process for the District to adopt a high-quality assessment aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards. Through DC Science, students will be able to demonstrate their knowledge in a more accurate and engaging way, with a goal of graduating from high school ready for college or a career. Read the resolution here.
 New Student Representatives for SY2017-2018
Thank you to all who helped us recruit an amazing crop of candidates to serve as the State Board’s new student representatives. Tallya Rhodes from H.D. Woodson High School (Ward 7) and Tatiana Robinson from Ballou High School (Ward 8) were selected as our State Board Student Representatives for 2017-2018.
Student Representatives serve for one school year from September to June. They participate in all SBOE activities and are treated as full members of the State Board. In addition, Student Representatives co-chair the Student Advisory Committee and are responsible for setting the agenda for the Committee. Applicants must be a District of Columbia resident and a sophomore, junior or senior in either a traditional public or public charter high school.
At June’s public meeting, State Board members approved the final version of this year’s Student Advisory Committee (SAC) report presented by SBOE Student Representative Alex Dorosin of Wilson High School. This report is the second annual report presented by the Student Advisory Committee (SAC). The proposals submitted by the SAC focused on graduation requirements, security, access to humanities and civic engagement courses, hall sweeps, food and nutrition, grading systems, and student socialization. Read the report here.
Stay tuned for the announcement of our full Student Advisory Committee (SAC) later this summer. The Committee will be composed of high school students from both DC public schools and public charter schools.
 Have Public Education Questions?
We can help! The Office of the Student Advocate supports families in navigating the DC public school system, both DC Public Schools and public charter schools. We operate a Request for Assistance line LIVE Monday – Friday between 9 am and 5:30 pm as a “311” system for public education. Call us at (202) 741-4692 for resources, referrals, and one-on-one coaching on a variety of public education issues. Also visit us online at studentadvocate.dc.gov for additional resources and toolkits, such as our Online Education & Community Resource Guide!
 Does Your Child Struggle in School?
The Office of the Ombudsman helps parents and students who have questions, concerns, and complaints about the DC public schools and public charter schools. We are independent and impartial in our approach to solving problems. We listen to all parties involved and make recommendations based on the student’s best interests. Our office helps families solve problems their children are facing in areas that include special education, discipline, school environment, academic progress, and enrollment.
We are problem solvers! We can coach, mediate, or participate in a school meeting with you. If you need help, call us at (202) 741-0886 or email us at ombudsman@dc.gov.
 SBOE June Session