Students: Make Your
Voice Heard! Join the State
Board in School Year 2017-2018
The DC State Board of Education (SBOE) is looking
for motivated students in the District to serve as student representatives on
the State Board next year (SY2017-2018). Students can apply now for this
leadership opportunity to represent their peers in the decision-making process
for education policy in the District. Click HERE to apply.
Applications Due
May 30, 2017
Student Representatives serve for one school year
from September to June. Student Representatives participate in all SBOE
activities and are treated as full members of the State Board. In addition,
Student Representatives co-chair the Student Advisory Committee and are
responsible for setting the agenda for the Committee. Applicants must be a
District of Columbia resident and a sophomore, junior or senior in either a
traditional public or public charter high school.
SBOE Testifies at Education Committee Budget Hearing
On May 4th, Karen Williams, President and Ward 7 representative, testified in front of Councilmember Grosso and the Education Committee for the DC Council. Ms. Williams thanked Mayor Bowser and Chairman Grosso for their support this year, but advocated for increased funding to empower the State Board to fully carry out its statutory responsibilities. The SBOE is the only independent education agency in the District. In the coming year, the SBOE will tackle high school graduation requirements and refining school report cards with its limited full-time staff and part-time elected Board members.
President Williams outlined major achievements over the past year, including the passage of updated health education standards and 550 students earning a state diploma due to the work of the State Board. To continue expanding outreach to the most marginalized communities in the District, President Williams requested 2 additional full-time employees: one dedicated to outreach and one dedicated to administration. Watch the archived hearing HERE.
LREI (Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School) students visit SBOE