January 2021 - Newsletter



Educating, inspiring, and transforming current and future government leaders.

New YGL Logo (white background)

 Providing the authentic voice for our generation of aspiring government leaders.

Message from the YGL National Leadership Team:

We intended to begin the New Year by sending well wishes to all of our members hoping everyone had a restful and healthy holiday season. Instead we are writing to you saddened by the January 6th unprecedented security breach at the U.S. Capitol. Thousands of rioters gathered to protest the election results which quickly escalated to extreme violence, destruction of property, injured police officers and untimely fatalities.

To all of the public servants whose careers are centered on the tenants of service, democracy, and collaboration, the events of January 6th were disheartening and difficult to witness. We do not tolerate violent agitators and extremists who use the guise of the First Amendment protected activity to incite violence; such behavior betrays the values of our democracyWe are optimistic for a peaceful transition of power within the United States. YGL’s mission is to build government leaders that tomorrow needsLeaders who protect and defend our country’s democratic institutions, who do not perpetuate lies to the public, and who model inclusivity. YGL is thankful for all our members who have answered the call to public service.

Upcoming Events

Jan 13: CDI Mentor Application Closes

Jan 19: When Women Win

Social Media

Make sure you keep up with YGL on social media to know the latest news in the govie world and what we have planned.

Twitter, Instagram & Facebook: @YGLNational 

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What Can I Do?

Being a YGL Member presents you with a unique opportunity to become a change agent in your workplace and in your community. Find out how to get involved here.

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YGL Members could get a discount of up to 8% on auto insurance so what are you waiting for? Get a quote today!

Jan and Feb themes 2021

Our first theme to help “Bridge the Gap to Government Leadership" is Professional Goal Setting and Planning! Please check out the National YGL Blog for tips from our YGL President on how to do this! 


CDI is looking for government professionals to serve as virtual mentors to their current College Scholars! CDI Mentors serve as an integral resource and support system as scholars work towards graduation, prepare for the workforce, and secure employment. 

If you are interested in applying, please do so here: https://cdiconnect.peoplegrove.com/page/mentors

The application closes on 1/13. 


131 & Counting, All In Together, The LBJ Women's Campaign School, and Right NOW Women's PAC are offering a free online program to celebrate the bipartisan success of women running for office in 2020, featuring the Congresswomen and Senators who ran and won in 2020 and the organizations that helped them.

The event will take place on January 19, 2021 at 7 pm EST

To learn more and register please go to the following website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/when-women-win-celebrating-the-women-of-the-117th-congress-tickets-129935292959?fbclid=IwAR1L9gWHBcNk9-If3373oSqDwtfytxKmZUAmDVmxlhdDmG1choMz1WGG2ho

NOTE: Government employees within the Executive Branch should participate in this activity on their own time. All federal employees should note this activity includes discussion of how to support women candidates, which, if done during government time, may constitute a violation of the Hatch Act. Learn more: https://osc.gov/Services/Pages/HatchAct-Federal.aspx


YGL has launched it's official blog! Please check out the new and improved blog page here: https://younggovernmentleadersblog.wordpress.com

Stay turned because throughout the year will be regularly posting articles on a variety of topic related to being a young leader in the government! 

Interested in reading about a specific topic on the YGL Blog? Fill out this survey to submit your idea(s). Interested in writing a blog post (or a few) for the YGL Blog? Send us an email!