Have you taken the Gypsum Community Survey yet?

Have you taken the Gypsum Community Survey yet?

Available now through September 21st
Post Date: 09/16/2022 10:00 AM

We need to hear from Gypsum Residents! If you haven't already, please take the Gypsum Community Survey. We want to know how we are doing and the more residents we hear from the more we know about your priorities and the quality of town services and programs.

The survey is provided in English and Spanish. Your answers are completely anonymous and confidential, and the survey will take just 10-12 minutes to complete. The survey is available now through September 21st at the link below.


There are several other ways for Gypsum residents to participate in the survey:

1. Visit the town website home page and click on the “TAKE THE GYPSUM COMMUNITY SURVEY” link in the yellow bar at the top of the page.

2. Some residents will receive a text message and survey link directly on their cell phones or electronic devices.

3. Use & share the QR code in the image below.

4. Invitations and reminders will also be posted to our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages through September 21st, when the survey closes.

If you have any questions about this survey, please contact the Town’s Communications Department.

Thank you in advance for your participation.

 Gypsum Community Survey with QR code