Digital Download
Digital Access Monthly Newsletter
January 2025
The Digital Download is your place for monthly updates from the Colorado Digital Access team.
The Digital Access Team is led by the Office of the Future of Work in partnership with the Office of eHealth Innovation. The state’s digital access infrastructure work is supported by the Colorado Broadband Office, which oversees Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) and other broadband infrastructure funding.
Digital Access Plan Updates
Colorado Awarded $12,368,261 to Implement Several Digital Access Plan Priorities
The Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has awarded Colorado $12,368,261 in a Digital Equity Act Capacity Grant. The funding will support the implementation of key digital equity initiatives from the Colorado Digital Access Plan. This is the first of three rounds of funding from the Digital Equity Act Capacity Grant Program, made possible by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
The Digital Access Team heard from over 15,000 Coloradans through surveys and listening sessions and invested more than half a million dollars into Colorado community organizations and companies to shape Colorado's first Digital Access Plan. Now, with the approval of Colorado’s application for Digital Equity Act funding, the team will prioritize several initiatives, including:
- Building a statewide digital inclusion ecosystem by creating coalitions to identify local assets and barriers to digital access;
- Bringing community-based organizations, local government, businesses, libraries, health organizations, and other entities together to discuss digital empowerment and create solutions for their communities;
- Providing backbone support to communities, including:
- Selecting fiscal access partners to manage coalitions’ funds and grant reporting
- Assisting coalitions in writing local digital access plans
- Identifying funding opportunities to support coalitions’ digital empowerment work
- Sharing best practices and creating a statewide community of practice for practitioners to share challenges and successes
- Providing support for new and existing digital navigator programs
- And providing marketing, translation, and other templates to alleviate the administrative burden on new coalitions.
 Colorado’s Broadband Workforce
Colorado has more than $1 billion in state and federal funding available to improve internet availability, bringing thousands of high-quality jobs and careers in telecom for Colorado residents over the next few years. The jobs needed are in telecommunications, construction, engineering and technicians.
For more information, watch Advance Colorado’s Broadband Workforce video, and visit the Broadband Workforce site.
 Digital Navigator Liz Paine assisting a client with their laptop. Artwork in background by John Moore.
Digital Navigator Nook
Digital Access for Residents of the San Luis Valley
Liz Paine and Christina Longoria began offering digital navigation services in the San Luis Valley in July and August 2024, respectively. Liz and Christina were interested in becoming digital navigators because of their commitment to helping community members in the San Luis Valley. Liz serves Alamosa County. Christina serves Costilla, Saguache and Rio Grande Counties. Liz was born and raised in Alamosa and has experience working with students in the Alamosa School District Re-11J. Christina has an extensive customer service background and recent experience helping Valley residents obtain low cost internet service through the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP).
Christina and Liz help community members:
- Access affordable internet service
- Obtain low- or no-cost devices
- Learn essential digital skills
Some examples of essential digital skills are how to use a keyboard and mouse, set up and use an email account, and how to be safe on the internet.
Liz and Christina both completed their instructor certifications for both Northstar Digital Literacy, and the Older Adults Technology Services (OATS) Senior Planet learning platforms.
Helping Jobseekers with Limited Digital Skills
At the Alamosa Workforce Center, many people need support with setting up unemployment accounts on Colorado’s MyUI+ system and applying for benefits. While some Coloradans can do this from home, many lack the internet or skills to navigate the system. Liz works with these individuals to build their digital skills, so they can manage tasks like unemployment applications independently in the future.
Supporting Older Adults
Many older adults face challenges like managing passwords, which can prevent them from accessing critical services like telehealth or prescription management. Liz and Christina provide hands-on support to update accounts, set up secure two-factor authentication, and teach cybersecurity basics. These skills create a sense of independence, which gives older adults the confidence to use technology without having to get help from a family member or friend.
Upskilling to Expand Employment Opportunities
In the San Luis Valley, agriculture is the primary industry. Many of these jobs are physically demanding, and workers aged 40–60 often look for less strenuous opportunities as they age or recover from injuries. Christina and Liz help these residents develop the digital skills needed to explore new career paths and stay competitive in the job market.
Where to Find Liz
- Alamosa Workforce Center: Mondays, Wednesdays (2nd & 4th), Thursday
- Alamosa Public Library: Tuesdays
- Alamosa Senior Center: Wednesdays (1st & 3rd)
Where to Find Christina
- Blanca/Ft. Garland Public Library: Mondays
- San Luis, Costilla County Public Library: Tuesdays (1st & 3rd)
- Center, Rainbow’s End Food Pantry: Wednesdays
- Monte Vista Workforce Center: Thursdays 8 am - 12 pm
Contact Liz at 720-557-0199 or elizabeth.paine@state.co.us or Christina at 720-556-8390 Christina.longoria@state.co.us for assistance.
Digital Navigation by the Numbers
The Digital Navigators on the CDLE Digital Access Team were hard at work during December. Numbers were a little lower than in previous months, but there was still a lot of demand for digital navigation services in Aurora, Denver, the San Luis Valley, and La Plata County.
- 1st appointments: 49
- 2nd appointments: 25
- Return appointments: 100
See the Digital Navigator Service Schedule for locations, dates, times, and contact information.
Coalition Corner
Fiscal Access Partners to Support Digital Access Coalitions
According to the National Digital Inclusion Association (NDIA), digital inclusion coalitions “maximize the impact of digital inclusion efforts, [which can be attributed] to the three effects they create: [...] the Advocacy Effect, the Alignment, Effect, and the Network Effect.” Creating digital access coalitions is the top priority of Colorado’s Digital Access Team, and the first step in supporting communities in the development of local coalitions is to select Fiscal Access Partners to serve as pass-throughs for federal funding from the Digital Equity Act.
A request for programs (RFP) seeking fiscal access partners will be released by the OFW in early February. These fiscal access partners will serve as a non-profit entity on behalf of prospective coalitions, disbursing grant funds for convening interested organizations and local governments, as well as for any costs associated with writing local digital access plans.
By selecting fiscal access partners to manage the funding allocated to the creation of local Digital Access Coalitions, potential members can focus on the work at hand:
- Identifying digital access practitioners
- Documenting barriers to digital access
- Developing a selection process for identifying and agreeing upon local digital access programs for funding
- And learning from one another in a Colorado Digital Access Community of Practice.
More information and a link to the RFP will be available on the Colorado Digital Access Plan website when it is available.
Digital Access Events
Digital Access Stakeholder Meeting
For anyone interested in finding out more about the state’s digital inclusion work, please join us virtually on Tuesday, January 28, at noon. Digital Access Stakeholder meetings usually take place every other month on the fourth Tuesday. Register on Zoom for the Digital Access Stakeholder Meeting.
Digital Navigator Community of Practice
Navigators, staff who support them, and other stakeholders are invited to attend the monthly Community of Practice (CoP) on the last Wednesday of each month.The next CoP will take place on Wednesday, January 29, 2025, 8:30 AM. Register on Zoom for the Community of Practice.
Contact Us
Digital Access Team
Colorado Dept of Labor & Employment
633 17th St, Suite 201
Denver, CO 80202