The Sponsor Snapshot
Registered Apprenticeship Sponsor Quarterly Newsletter
January 2025 Edition
Apprenticeship Colorado is the State Apprenticeship Agency in the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment that has the responsibility for:
- Registering and overseeing apprenticeship programs
- Providing technical assistance to current and prospective Sponsors
- Aligning the registered apprenticeship system with Colorado’s workforce, education, and economic development priorities
This edition of the Sponsor Snapshot features:
Upcoming Deadlines: Revisions to Standards & Affirmative Action Plans
Did you know that as part of the transition to the State Apprenticeship Agency (SAA) all Sponsors of Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAPs) in Colorado registered before 7/1/2023 are required to complete a revision of their Program Standards and an Affirmative Action Plan (if applicable) by 6/30/2025?
Sponsors: Join us at a Revision Round-Up Event!
Was your apprenticeship program registered before Colorado became an SAA on July 1, 2023? Do you still need to revise your Program Standards on file with us?
Apprenticeship Colorado’s Specialist Team is hosting a series of in-person events for Sponsors to revise their Program Standards. During the Revision Round-Up Event, you will go through your Standards step-by-step with our staff and work on your revisions together. By the end of the event, you will have the information needed to submit your revised Standards and the tools to complete your Affirmative Action Plan (if applicable). Upcoming Revisions Round-Up Event dates and registration links will be posted on our website later this month.
 INFO #3: Apprentice Program Completion Reporting & INFO #4: National Programs on the Directory
Published guidance is available on our Apprenticeship Legislation & Policy webpage. Sponsors are responsible for reviewing all SAA guidance and complying with the requirements.
2025 Minimum Wage Laws
The Colorado State minimum wage increased to $14.81 on January 1, 2025, along with other local minimum wages on the Front Range. Sponsors of Registered Apprenticeship Programs are required to make any adjustments necessary to comply with current minimum wage laws. A list of all current minimum wages can be found on the Colorado Division of Labor Standards and Statistics website. If you need further support with questions regarding apprenticeship and program wages, please contact apprenticeship@state.co.us.
Sponsors, Did You Know?
Sponsors must provide a copy of their Standards, Appendix A, and any applicable written rules and policies to apprentices AND require apprentices to sign an acknowledgment of their receipt. This is also required when Standards on file with Apprenticeship Colorado are revised.
Technical Assistance Events
Apprenticeship Colorado offers a variety of technical assistance opportunities for Sponsors to help programs successfully implement their Registered Apprenticeship Program.
Sponsor Orientation
Are you a new Registered Apprenticeship Program Sponsor, or do you have staff members who could use a recap of all the need-to-know compliance requirements of RAPs in Colorado? If so, please join the Apprenticeship Colorado Team at the next Sponsor Orientation. The session will provide a detailed overview of basic requirements and other resources to support Sponsors.
RAPIDS 101 for Sponsors
RAPIDS 101 is a monthly training session for Sponsors dedicated to the basics of the Registered Apprenticeship Partners Information Database System (RAPIDS). The training includes a walkthrough of RAPIDS and highlights important requirements that Sponsors need to know related to RAPIDS transactions. RAPIDS 101 is held on the first Thursday of each month at 11:00 am.
Apprenticeship Colorado Program Sponsor and Partners EEO Salon
This is a quarterly training series for Sponsors and partners to learn more about their responsibilities related to Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Affirmative Action.
 Funding Opportunities
Did you know Apprenticeship Colorado posts information about various funding opportunities that can support programs in Colorado? Visit the Apprenticeship Funding Opportunities webpage.
ScaleUp Grants
- The Office of the Future of Work anticipates releasing the application for ScaleUp Grants in Spring 2025. ScaleUp Grants are competitive awards of up to $50,000 that support organizations to develop or expand a Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP). The opportunity will fund capacity-building projects for current and future RAP employers and Sponsors. Entities that are eligible to apply for ScaleUp Funds include employers and Sponsors that:
- Plan to develop and register a new RAP, or
- Currently offer a RAP and plan to expand it
Other Apprenticeship Announcements
Update Your Apprenticeship Directory Listing
Have you recently reviewed your program’s listing on the Colorado Apprenticeship Directory? The Directory is a tool for career seekers to explore apprenticeship opportunities, as well as for employers to see which programs may be looking to take on multi-employer partners. It’s important to ensure that your program’s listing is up-to-date and accurate to inform potential apprentices, partners, employers and the community. Update your Directory listing now!
Host a Teacher at Your Apprenticeship Program!
You’re invited to participate in an exciting initiative and expand your impact further by hosting a teacher externship. The Teacher Externship Program is designed to give educators a deeper understanding of the industries their students are preparing to enter, with a particular focus on apprenticeship opportunities like those your business provides. To participate, complete an Application to Become a Business Host. Questions can be emailed to kelly.reeser@state.co.us.
Highlight an Open Job Opportunity
Did you know that Apprenticeship Colorado can help you spread the word about your open apprenticeship job opportunities? We have several communication channels where we can spotlight your openings to partners that work with career seekers. Interested Sponsors can email Apprenticeship Colorado at apprenticeship@state.co.us to make a request.
Connect with Intermediaries and EEO Partners to Recruit Talent
Apprenticeship Colorado can help you connect with partners across the state that work with career seekers to help you achieve your diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility goals.
Qualified Apprenticeship Intermediaries are recognized intermediary organizations in Colorado that play a crucial role in expanding or enhancing our state’s Registered Apprenticeship System through their support of jobseekers, apprentices, employers, and/or Sponsors.
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Partners are organizations that work with career seekers and include community-based organizations, workforce centers, vocational rehabilitation, and more. All partners have been trained by Apprenticeship Colorado and opted into supporting Sponsors and employers with outreach and recruitment.
If you would like a warm introduction to any of our partners, email apprenticeship@state.co.us.
Contact Us
Apprenticeship Colorado
Colorado Dept of Labor & Employment
633 17th Street, Suite 201
Denver, CO 80202