 The Sponsor Snapshot
Registered Apprenticeship Sponsor Quarterly Newsletter
July 2024 Edition
Apprenticeship Colorado is the State Apprenticeship Agency in the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment that has the responsibility for:
- Registering and overseeing apprenticeship programs
- Providing technical assistance to current and prospective Sponsors
- Aligning the registered apprenticeship system with Colorado’s workforce, education, and economic development priorities
We also support employers, career seekers, and career services providers by connecting them to resources, information, local workforce centers, and other apprenticeship resources in Colorado.
In this Edition of the Sponsor Snapshot:
What to Expect for Quality Assurance Reviews
The State Apprenticeship Agency (SAA) is beginning to conduct Apprenticeship Program Reviews (APRs) of Sponsors and their Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAPs) to ensure that programs are operating in conformity with their approved program Standards, Colorado State Apprenticeship Agency Rules 7 CCR 1108-1, and all other relevant state and federal regulations. Sponsors will be informed at least 30 days prior to the start of a review.
Reviews cover the following topics:
- On-the-job training
- Scheduled wage increases consistent with the registered Standards
- Related instruction through appropriate curriculum and delivery systems
- Equal employment opportunity in apprentices’ selection, placement, evaluation, advancement, training opportunities, completion, and other conditions of the program
- Assessment if the SAA is receiving notification of all new registrations, cancellations, and completions.
How to Prepare for a Review
Visit the Prepare for Your Review webpage for tools and resourcs to prepare for your next review. Please contact your assigned Quality Assurance (QA) Specialist for assistance or email apprenticeship@state.co.us to be connected to the Quality Assurance Team.
Upcoming Deadlines: Revisions & Affirmative Action Plans
Did you know that as part of the transition to the State Apprenticeship Agency (SAA) all Sponsors of Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAPs) in Colorado registered before 7/1/2023 are required to complete a Revision of their Program Standards by 7/1/2025?
As part of the Revision to Standards, the Sponsor:
- Transitions their program Standards to the Colorado Boilerplates, which reflect the State Apprenticeship Agency as the Registration Agency and incorporate both state and federal law
- Has the opportunity to ensure their current program is accurately reflected and on file with the State Apprenticeship Agency, including the occupation(s), employer(s), on-the-job learning, related instruction, a copy of the Apprenticeship Agreement, and if applicable, Employer Agreement.
- For programs eligible for an Affirmative Action Plan (AAP), the completion or updating of the plan.
Apprenticeship Colorado staff will be reaching out to Sponsors that need to revise their Standards and/or complete an Affirmative Action Plan (AAP) over the next few months.
Affirmative Action Plan Development
Are you a Sponsor with 5 or more apprentices? As part of your Equal Employment Opportunity responsibilities, you are required to have an Affirmative Action Plan - Appendix C (AAP). Sponsors registered before 7/1/2023 have until 6/30/2025 to complete their AAP. Sponsors may complete the plan on their own, or complete this form to indicate if you’d prefer:
- Self-guided tools and templates for developing your AAP
- A recorded, 90-minute webinar that walks you through the AAP building process.
- One-on-one help with developing your AAP
- A six-week workshop where you can work with others to get your AAP completed

Technical Assistance Events
Apprenticeship Colorado offers a variety of technical assistance opportunities and events to Sponsors to help programs successfully implement their Registered Apprenticeship Program.
Monthly Sponsor Orientation
Are you a new Registered Apprenticeship Program Sponsor, or do you have staff members who could use a recap of all the need-to-know compliance requirements of RAPs in Colorado? If so, please join the QA Team at the next Monthly Sponsor Orientation on August 21st, 2024 at 2:00 pm. The session will provide a detailed overview of basic requirements and information about other resources to support Sponsors. Orientation is open to existing Sponsors and is required for new Sponsors.
Sponsor Office Hours
The SAA is pleased to offer RAP Sponsors in Colorado the opportunity to join regular office hours with Apprenticeship Colorado staff to ask questions, receive technical assistance, and learn more about how to enhance your RAP. Drop-in office hours are held once a month on the fourth Tuesday of the month from 10 to 100 am:
Apprenticeship Colorado Program Sponsor EEO Salon Sessions
This is a bi-monthly training series for Sponsors to learn more about their responsibilities related to Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Affirmative Action. The next EEO Salon will be held on August 27th at 1PM MST where we discuss Conducting Availability, Workforce, and Utilization Analyses.
Funding Opportunities
Did you know Apprenticeship Colorado posts information about various funding opportunities that can support programs in Colorado? Visit the Apprenticeship Funding Opportunities webpage.
 BuildUp Grants
Apprenticeship Colorado anticipates launching the second round of BuildUp Grants in late July. BuildUp Grants are competitive awards that support Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAPs) to increase access for target populations in the Building and Construction Trades by providing training at no cost to apprentices. Join the webinar on July 30th to learn more about the BuildUp Grants application.
 Apprenticeship Scholarship
Qualifying apprentices are eligible for a scholarship that can be used for tuition, fees, childcare, transportation, and other costs. Learn more about this opportunity and promote it to your apprentices!
Highlight an Open Job Opportunity
Did you know that Apprenticeship Colorado can help you spread the word about your open apprenticeship job opportunities? We have several communication channels where we can spotlight your openings to partners that work with career seekers. Interested Sponsors can email Apprenticeship Colorado at apprenticeship@state.co.us to make a request.
Connect with EEO Partners to Recruit Talent
Apprenticeship Colorado can help you connect with partners across the state that work with career seekers to help you achieve your diversity, equity inclusion and accessibility goals. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Partners include community-based organizations, workforce centers, vocational rehabilitation, and more. All partners have been trained by Apprenticeship Colorado and opted into supporting Sponsors and employers with outreach and recruitment. If you would like a warm introduction to any of our partners, email apprenticeship@state.co.us.
Connect with Apprenticeship Colorado
Apprenticeship Colorado has a knowledgeable staff of experts in Registered Apprenticeship Program development, funding, and compliance to meet all of your Sponsor needs. Our staff is composed of three teams: the Quality Assurance Team, Program Development Team, and the Access Team.
Contact Us
Apprenticeship Colorado
Colorado Dept. of Labor & Employment
633 17th Street, Suite 201
Denver, CO 80202