The Sponsor Snapshot
Registered Apprenticeship Sponsor Quarterly Newsletter
October 2023 Edition
Apprenticeship Colorado is the State Apprenticeship Agency in the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment that has the responsibility for:
- Registering and overseeing apprenticeship programs
- Providing technical assistance to current and prospective Sponsors
- Aligning the registered apprenticeship system with Colorado’s workforce, education, and economic development priorities
We also support employers, career seekers, and career services providers by connecting them to resources, information, local workforce centers, and other apprenticeship resources in Colorado.
 State Apprenticeship Agency (SAA) Events
Apprenticeship Month Virtual Opportunity Fair
All Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) Sponsors and employers looking to hire Colorado residents (now or in the future) are invited to have a virtual booth in this week-long, static virtual job fair from the convenience of their office from November 13th-17th. Sign up for your virtual booth today to secure your spot.
Monthly Sponsor Orientation
Are you a new Registered Apprenticeship Program Sponsor, or do you have staff who could use a recap of all the need-to-know compliance requirements of RAPs in Colorado? If so, join the Quality Assurance Team at the next Sponsor Orientation on October 19th at 2:00 pm. The session will provide an overview of requirements and information about other resources to support Sponsors.
RAPIDS 101 for Sponsors
Please join the Quality Assurance Team for a training session dedicated to learning the basics of RAPIDS on November 2, 2023 at 11:00 am. The session will offer Sponsors a walkthrough of RAPIDS and cover some of the most important requirements Sponsors need to know.
Connect with Apprenticeship Colorado
Apprenticeship Colorado has a knowledgeable staff of experts in Registered Apprenticeship Program development, funding, and compliance to meet all of your Sponsor needs. Our staff is composed of three teams: the Quality Assurance Team, Program Development Team, and the Access Team.
The Quality Assurance Team is available to provide you with technical assistance to ensure that your program is not only compliant with the various state and federal laws, but that you also have the tools you need to deliver the highest quality program possible for your apprentices.
The Program Development Team can help you navigate any program development or expansion questions, such as how and when to add new occupations or employers to your existing program.
The Access Team provides complementary and optional services for RAP sponsors so you can connect to talent, make your job opportunities more visible, and access resources for your programs and apprentices. See below for more information on funding opportunities, the apprenticeship scholarship, and connecting to partners to hire. Connect with the Access Team to learn more about their services by emailing apprenticeship@state.co.us.
Funding Opportunities
Did you know Apprenticeship Colorado posts information about various funding opportunities that can support programs in Colorado? Please visit the Apprenticeship Funding Opportunities webpage.
Apprenticeship Scholarship
Qualifying apprentices are eligible for a scholarship that can be used for tuition, fees, childcare, transportation, and other costs. Learn more about this opportunity and promote it to your apprentices!
 Connect with Community Partners to Recruit Talent
Apprenticeship Colorado helps connect RAP Sponsors with community-based organizations to increase participation in RAPs for underrepresented populations. The Community Partners in Apprenticeship project helps facilitate communication among community-based organizations, Sponsors, and employers to aid in outreach efforts and recruitment goals of RAPs across the state of Colorado.
Contact Us
Apprenticeship Colorado, Office of the Future of Work
633 17th Street
Denver, CO 80202