Aging Well in Boulder County | Issue 1
Boulder County Colorado sent this bulletin at 10/09/2015 02:18 PM MDTWelcome!
New Housing Guide
Out Now! Our ADRC (Aging and Disability Resources for Colorado) team publishes the semi-annual Housing Guide for Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities. The guide features independent housing options, assisted living facilities, and skilled nursing homes in Boulder County. An Intro to Aging
Join us as we welcome Dr. Paula Enrietto, aging expert and CEO of AffirmiCare, for this four-part interactive series on aging. We will explore cultural, biological, medical and managerial perspectives of the aging process, understand what to expect as we get older, and develop the skills and capacities to engage and manage the aging process.
Create Our Future Conference is Oct. 30th
A full-day professional conference designed for anyone working in or concerned with aging. Inspired by the Age Well Boulder County Strategic Plan, the event allows attendees, exhibitors and presenters to share, learn and network. This year's theme is Aging in Community.
BCAAA Invades Philadelphia
A Boulder contingency attended the n4a (National Association of Area Agencies on Aging) conference in Philadelphia in July. Keith Carr, Erica Corson and Sherry Leach presented From Fires to Flood: Preparedness Supports Livable Communities. Teresa De Anni presented information about the Promotores program entitled, Models and Approaches for Reaching and Serving the Latino Community. Medicare Open Enrollment
Medicare celebrates the fall with their Open Enrollment Period from October 15th to December 7th. During this time, Medicare recipients can assess their current Part D (prescription drug) plans, and switch to a different plan that could save money. Recipients can enroll in or opt to change to a Medicare Advantage plan. Our Medicare Counseling Team is ready to assist! We've set up sessions at senior centers across the county to help compare the best plans. Offerings available to Boulder County residents can be found here, or by calling 303-441-1546 for English or 303-678-6113 en Espanol. Transitions Program Rolls Along
Our Options Counselors are currently working with a Medicaid program called Colorado Choice Transitions (CCT). This program is designed to provide information and assistance to nursing home residents who wish to return to the community. Partnering agencies involved in the program are the Center for People with Disabilities, Adult Care Management, Inc., and Imagine! Since we began CCT in April 2015, 24 nursing facility residents have received Options Counseling through the program. For more information about CCT or other long-term services and supports, contact the ADRC Helpline at 303-441-1617.
25 Years Serving Boulder County!
Hard to believe we have been serving Boulder County's older adults and caregivers for 25 years! We have come a long way, from a small organization of a handful of people and services, to a robust community resource with many invaluable programs. We are proud to have served Boulder County for these 25 years, and look forward to a bright future of service and support to our communities!
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