April 2022
California is in our third year of drought, and while we welcomed April showers, the water supply we depend on in the drier half of the year is still very low.
With California’s weather getting warmer and drier overall, we must each do our part and all work together to save water, because every drop counts.
April snow survey finds little snow
This year was California’s driest January through March since records began. The April 1 snow survey showed this critical California water source as only 38% of average with only 4% at the Northern Sierra official snow survey location.
With the state’s largest reservoirs already dwindling before the summer months, we all must save water in California so we can make it last.
Click here to learn more about the April snow survey.
Here are some tips and tools to help you make small water-saving changes that can make a big difference.
Be water smart, even when it rains
A couple of days of rain doesn’t make up for the driest start of the year on record.
Save water, by turning off your sprinklers when it rains, or get a smart irrigation timer that automatically adjusts to weather and moisture changes.
Learn more ways to use less water at SaveOurWater.com.
Watch: Upgrade your yard with smart irrigation
Save California’s water by updating your yard to drip irrigation and never stand around in the garden with a hose again. This low-cost alternative to hoses and sprinklers can save up to 15 gallons every time you water. Plus, add timers for easy, automatic irrigation.
Learn more about smart irrigation
Find your water footprint
Want to know exactly how much water your household uses? Use a Water Footprint Calculator to find out how many gallons of water you use every day through indoor, outdoor, and lifestyle choices, then get tips on how to use less water.
Click here to find a water footprint calculator.
California influencers join the effort to Save Our Water
More than a dozen social media influencers and trusted content creators joined a Save Our Water campaign briefing by the State of California to create awareness of our state’s severe drought. Gov. Gavin Newsom surprised everyone by joining the call to thank influencers for supporting California by participating and sharing content to help save water inside and outside the home. Presenters included the State Water Resources Control Board, Department of Water Resources and the Department of Fish and Wildlife.
You can participate, too! Join the conversation by saying and tagging @saveourwater.
Are you prepared for wildfires?
As California experiences its third consecutive year of severe drought, we must brace for another season of significant and widespread wildfires. Find out if your home is prepared for a wildfire, plus get tips and tactics that could save your home and your life during Wildfire Preparedness Week May 2-8.
Learn more at readyforwildfire.org
The Save Our Water team has been out at community events to share Save Our Water tips with Californians about working together to save water. Here’s what we’ve been up to:
Westchester Farmers' Market
Chico Home and Garden Show
Turlock Home Improvement Show