2024 Grants & Incentives Program for Clean Technology
The Grants and Incentives Programs provides funding for commercial heavy-duty diesel-powered vehicles and equipment to upgrade to newer and greener technology. Eligible equipment includes:
- School Buses
- Off-Road Construction & Cargo Handling Equipment
- Agricultural Equipment
- Commercial Harbor Craft
- Locomotives
- Fueling or Energy Infrastructure to power covered sources
- On-Road Trucks
The initial deadline for applications is Friday, April 12th at 5:00 p.m. The District will take applications after this deadline for a backup list of eligible projects if funding remains available. Applicants are encouraged to check with the Grants and Incentives Division after the deadline for additional funding opportunities. Learn more here
Are you a Small Commercial Landscaper?
The E-LEAF Program (Electric Landscaping Equipment Assistance Funding), is the district’s newest program, designed to help small landscaping businesses located across San Diego County. The program provides these businesses funding to upgrade their equipment from conventional combustion powered to all new cordless, zero-emission electric equipment.
Small Commercial landscapers can receive incentives for chainsaws, pole saws, trimmers, leaf blowers, lawn mowers, and other landscape equipment.
Applications for the program will remain open until all grant money is exhausted. For more information on the E-LEAF program, click here
SDAPCD releases 2023 California Air Toxics “Hot Spots” Annual Report Draft
SDAPCD has released the DRAFT 2023 California Air Toxics “Hot Spots” Annual Report. The report provides a comprehensive overview of ongoing efforts to mitigate air toxic emissions and associated health risks originating from stationary sources.
In the 2023 calendar year, SDAPCD completed 120 emissions inventories report, approved eight health risk assessments, required six stationary sources to publicly notify the effected communities, required sources to hold six public meetings, and approved six risk reduction plans for stationary sources to mitigate negative health risks.
The Hot Spots program is a vital program for SDAPCD, as it is specifically designed to safeguard public health by mitigating potential health risks that may lead to adverse health effects. To read the full draft report, click here.
SDAPCD Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget Summary available for Public Review
The 2024-2025 Fiscal Year (FY24-25) recommended budget summary is available for public review. SDAPCD remains committed to our goal of improving air quality to protect San Diego County residents and the environment. The FY24-25 budget includes funding for:
- $60 million for grants & incentives to promote transitioning to cleaner air vehicles and equipment
- $1 Million in EPA grant funding to expand engagement with multiple communities throughout the region in air quality awareness, monitoring, planning, and advocacy.
- Funding for additional air quality monitoring sites planned in Escondido, National City, Imperial Beach, San Ysidro, and Otay Mesa.
Public feedback can be submitted via email at APCDPublicComment@sdapcd.org. We also invite you to join our next budget meeting on May 9, 2024 at 5:00 PM.
For more details, visit sdapcd.org/budget.
An Easier Way to Track Air Quality Complaints
Air quality complaints submitted to SDAPCD can now be tracked via an online interactive map. The map shows information such as the nature of the complaint, the general location of the complaint, complaint report date, the SDAPCD’s response date, and result of the investigation. The tool also shows metrics such as average response time, investigations that have been completed in less than 48 hours, the number of complaints by month within the last two years and a breakdown of the different investigation resolutions.
SDAPCD receives approximately 600 complaints annually, which our dedicated field inspectors investigate around the clock to ensure swift and transparent responses. The interactive mapping tool marks another significant step in our ongoing commitment to transparency and accountability. This tool enhances our ability to provide accessible and comprehensive information to the public empowering them to participate actively in efforts to protect public health and the environment.
To use the tool, click here.
Long-Term Strategic Plan Moves into Draft Development Phase
The San Diego County Air Pollution Control District (SDAPCD) is halfway through its strategic planning process and thanks to the many San Diego County residents, businesses, and stakeholders that submitted feedback to help establish the groundwork to develop the long-term strategic plan. The next step is developing a document that incorporates the feedback received and guides SDAPCD goals for the next 3-5 years. The draft Long-Term Strategic Plan document will be released in April for public comment.
Want to learn more about the Long-Term Strategic Plan? Or want to receive updates? Visit sdapcd.org/strategic-plan.
SDAPCD Governing Board Approves International Border Community Emissions Reduction Program
The SDAPCD Governing Board has approved the International Border Community Emissions Reduction Program (CERP), reaching an important milestone under the Statewide Community Air Protection Program (CAPP).
The International Border Community was selected to Participate in the CAPP (also known as AB617) due to the area having the highest percentile of vehicle traffic in the State and PM2.5 particle levels in the 95+ percentile.
SDAPCD co-developed the CERP with the International Border Community Steering Committee (IBCSC), which has meet monthly since March of 2022. The IBCSC includes community residents, community-based organizations, industry representatives, and public agencies’ staff, and is the driving force behind CERP development.
The proposed CERP includes a community profile and a suite of proposed goals and actions to improve air quality and reduce exposure to pollutants in the community. Some of the strategies in the CERP fall outside of SDAPCD’s jurisdiction, and the authority to approve and implement them lies with other public agencies. In those cases, the CERP identifies advocacy strategies that SDAPCD and the IBCSC will follow to support and advocate for the specified actions of other public agencies.