San Diego County Air Pollution Control District Community Newsletter



SDAPCD Newsletter

Working to Achieve Clean Air for All 

Action Plan

Be part of the Development of the Long-Term Strategic Plan 

The San Diego County Air Pollution Control District has begun the process of developing its first long term strategic plan. The plan will outline the priorities that will guide future SDAPCD priorities and decisions.  

The San Diego County community is encouraged to submit their input via one of the community workshops or online. The purpose is to understand what is most important and the direction that the agency should take for the next 5 years. 

Virtual Workshop - July 13, 2023 

In-Person/Hybrid Workshop - July 27, 2023

To learn more about this process or submit your input online, visit, the Strategic Plan webpage


2022 Annual Air Quality Report 

The Annual Air Quality Report was released in June and it is the second report released since SDAPCD became an independent agency. It includes all the initiatives and program progress that was made throughout 2022. In addition, it outlines the progress that has been made to improve air quality in the region and where there is still more work to be done across the County and in our most vulnerable communities. 

The report can be found in multiple languages at the following link


Addressing Indirect Source Emissions  

What are indirect source emissions? Indirect sources are defined as a facility, building, structure, installation, real property, road, or highway which attracts, or may attract, mobile sources of pollution.

On June 8, the SDAPCD Governing Board heard a presentation that outlined the research and implications of actions to reduce indirect source emissions from warehouses, distribution centers, and ports. This is part of the requirements set forth in California Assembly Bill 423 (Gloria). 

The SDAPCD Governing Board voted to direct staff to create a workgroup of stakeholders to explore the possibility of developing a rule and other strategies to reduce indirect source emissions from these facilities. 

Staff will provide an update to the Board at the August 10 Governing Board Meeting. To learn more and read about the Indirect Source Rule Framework, visit our website

In this Issue:

- Strategic Plan 

- Annual Air Quality Report

- Indirect Source Emissions

Upcoming Events and Meetings: 

July13 - Virtual Strategic Plan Workshop 

July 18 - NASSCO's Air Toxics "Hot Spots" Meeting

July 19 - AB 617 Border Community Steering Committee  

July 25 - AB 617 Portside Community Steering Committee

July 27 - In-person Strategic Plan Workshop 

August 10 - Governing Board Meeting 

August 16 - AB 617 Border Community Steering Committee Meeting 

August 22 - AB 617 Portside Community Steering Committee

September 20 - AB 617 Border Community Steering Committee Meeting 

September 26 - AB 617 Portside Community Steering Committee


To view details, visit our events and meetings calendar on our community page

Contact Us

(858) 586-2600

Follow us @sdapcd

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