Know someone who needs help finding low-cost vaccines? Tell them to call the County's Patient Access Department at (866) 967-4677 or drop in at 770 S. Bascom Ave. San José, 95128.
  Know someone who needs health insurance? With the expansion of Medi-Cal in California, health insurance is available to almost everyone. Joining Medi-Cal does not affect immigration status. Using Medi-Cal to see a doctor will not hurt a person’s chances of getting a green card or becoming a U.S. citizen. If you know someone who qualifies for Medi-Cal, encourage them to apply.
 Raw milk products can be a source of foodborne illness. Pasteurized milk is safe and has undergone a process that removes disease-causing germs. Unfortunately, raw milk products can look the same as pasteurized milk products. When buying milk or dairy products, it's important to check the packaging and look for labels that clearly say "pasteurized" or have "pasteurized milk" listed in the ingredients.
Do you know someone pregnant and seeking a safe place to receive guidance, support, and culturally relevant resources? Look no further – Black Infant Health is here to empower African/African Ancestry mothers at every step of pregnancy. Groups cover stress management, nutrition, healthy relationships, breastfeeding, and labor and delivery.
   WIC provides no-cost food benefits to pregnant people and families with kids under age 5. Do you know someone who would benefit from WIC? Tell them to text (888) 413-2698 or call our helpful staff at (408) 792-5101.
   Mosquitos can carry diseases, like West Nile Virus. Prevent the spread of diseases by taking precautions.
Video: How breastmilk supports a baby’s health