Wetlands and Watershed Appreciation



World Wetlands Day

Wetlands and Watershed Appreciation

World Wetlands Day on February 2nd is a good time to celebrate the role our local watersheds and wetlands play in preserving water quality and protecting aquatic life.

Watersheds and Wetlands

Watersheds are land areas that drain or channel precipitation and other runoff through lakes, rivers, and streams to a common low point or water body – usually the ocean. Watersheds supply our groundwater and drinking water and provide water for agriculture. Watersheds are also critical for collecting and storing rainfall and filtering pollutants from runoff. The watershed consists of surface water like lakes, streams, and reservoirs and wetlands such as estuaries and lagoons. Wetlands are the link between dry land and waterbodiesand are a vital component of healthy watersheds. They protect water quality, reduce stormwater pollution, and contribute to plant and animal biodiversity.

The Role of Wetlands in Watershed Protection

The water that flows through our watershed picks up pollutants like nutrients, bacteria, and trash, which are carried to our waterways and eventually reach the ocean. These pollutants can contaminate our waterways and wetlands, harm aquatic life and human health, and interfere with our ability to enjoy recreational water activities.

Wetlands play a crucial role in reducing runoff pollution and enhancing the overall health of our watersheds. They filter impurities and break down bacteria, protect stream banks and shorelines from erosion and sediment pollution, prevent flooding by absorbing water, and provide food and shelter for wildlife.

Protect Our Watershed – Help protect our wetlands, waterways, and watersheds by taking these simple everyday actions to prevent pollution.

All land is part of a watershed, and water quality is affected by everything that goes on within the watershed – including our individual actions. The County of San Diego thanks its residents for doing your part to prevent water pollution and keep our local watersheds healthy.

Santa Margarita Watershed


Find My District


Report Stormwater Pollution
Report observed pollution to the correct jurisdiction.

Citizen Access Portal
Research property information and permits. Apply for some permits online.

GIS Maps
Find property information including zoning designation with our web-based mapping tool. 

Watershed Protection Website




Learn more about available water quality rebates that you could apply to your property!

New Project Clean Water

Project Clean Water efforts are focused on providing a centralized point of access to water quality information and resources for San Diego County Watersheds. Click HERE to visit Project Clean Water’s website. 

To learn more about the County of San Diego - Watershed Protection Program, please visit sandiegocounty.gov/stormwater