Live Out Earth Day Every Day – Do Your Part in Preventing Water Pollution
April 22nd is Earth Day, which means it’s time to celebrate our planet and promote a healthy environment. This year’s global theme, Invest in Our Planet, encourages us to do our part in protecting the environment and preventing water pollution. By reducing waste in our homes, properly disposing of household chemicals, and participating in cleanups, we can all prevent pollutants from entering our storm drain system, where they can ultimately end up untreated in our local waterways and ocean.
Below are some ways you can celebrate Earth Day AND do some spring cleaning/decluttering at the same time to help preserve the beauty and quality of our waterways.
Minimize household waste by reducing, reusing, recycling, repairing, and repurposing items to prevent pollutants from entering our storm drains. Don’t buy items you don’t need, and avoid single-use items. Instead, reuse items or give them to others who could use them through various donation sites across the County or by hosting a swap party for second-hand items. Buy recyclable items and recycle according to the guidelines of the County of San Diego’s Recycle Right Program. Repairing damaged items and repurposing them for reuse is another great way to decrease trash. Find creative and innovative ideas to repurpose items by visiting the County of San Diego’s Recycling Pinterest and YouTube pages. Check out the Port of San Diego’s Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. with Hang-on Hank video for more tips to minimize or eliminate household waste. Waste Free SD has a helpful search tool that identifies where and how you can dispose of all types of household waste.
Properly manage and dispose of household hazardous waste (HHW). If not disposed of properly, unused or leftover products such as household cleaners, automobile fluids, paint, pesticides, fertilizers, and other hazardous items can make their way to our landfills and storm drains, causing harm. Always read and follow the directions on the label. Store chemicals in labeled containers indoors or under cover from rain. Use safer, less toxic substitutes when possible, and if you can’t, buy only what you need. Recycle used or unwanted products by taking them to your local HHW collection facility designated for San Diego County unincorporated residents or city residents. Learn more about proper disposal methods by watching the County’s Stormwater Best Management Practices for HHW Disposal video.
Participate in community cleanups through I Love A Clean San Diego’s annual Creek to Bay Cleanup and other cleanup events held throughout the month in celebration of Earth Day. Helping to collect trash before it makes its way to our storm drains is just one small action on your part that can make a big difference in water pollution prevention. Since 2022, over 2.7 million pounds of litter have been blocked from entering our ocean through the efforts of 83,000 Creek to Bay Cleanup volunteers.
The County of San Diego’s Watershed Protection Program (WPP) celebrates Earth Day every day by encouraging residents to learn about ways to prevent water pollution and take action to preserve the quality and beauty of our waterways!
Find My District
Report Stormwater Pollution Report observed pollution to the correct jurisdiction.
Citizen Access Portal Research property information and permits. Apply for some permits online.
GIS Maps Find property information including zoning designation with our web-based mapping tool.
Watershed Protection Website sandiegocounty.gov/stormwater
Learn more about available water quality rebates that you could apply to your property!
Project Clean Water efforts are focused on providing a centralized point of access to water quality information and resources for San Diego County Watersheds. Click HERE to visit Project Clean Water’s website.