Rivco Covid -19 Update


RivCo COVID-19 Update -  Issued December 18, 2020

Riverside County health officials receive first shipment of COVID-19 vaccine


The first shipments of a much-anticipated vaccine for COVID-19 have arrived in Riverside County, and local health officials are working with area hospitals to vaccinate thousands of first-line health care workers.

The recently approved vaccine arrived at several pre-selected hospitals and at Riverside University Health System (RUHS) - Public Heath facilities, where they will be housed until transported to other medical locations. The total number of doses for Riverside County – both those transported directly to hospitals and RUHS-Public Health – is between 14,000 and 15,000.  

Read: COVID-19 Vaccine Information

The Food and Drug Administration authorized the emergency use of the Pfizer vaccine last week, setting off a massive plan to ship millions of doses throughout the country. Riverside County officials, working with state and federal officials, developed a distribution plan to get the doses to thousands of health care workers under the phased system of allocation.

The Phase 1-A tier is the first group to be vaccinated and includes those healthcare workers at acute care hospitals with “direct patient contact who have potential for direct or indirect exposure."

Gratitude Parade spreads cheer at RUHS Medical Center


It was a heartwarming moment for all when a Gratitude Parade, honoring Riverside University Health System staff, showed up to shower medical professionals with some love and thankfulness.

The drive, which took place Saturday, Dec. 12, was organized by the American Legion Riders of Moreno Valley.

The kind gesture was very much appreciated by all the healthcare and frontline workers who are working tirelessly to care for those who have become ill and are impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.

Thank you to all who participated!

COVID-19 vaccines to be distributed in phases


A safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine will be one of the most important tools to end the COVID-19 pandemic. California is planning to distribute and administer vaccines as quickly as possible.

View: Public Health COVID-19 Vaccine press conference

This will be done only after a vaccine’s safety has been reviewed and approved by top health experts. Initial vaccine supply will be limited, and California is making sure that these first vaccines are distributed and administered equitably. The first vaccines will be provided to healthcare workers and residents of long-term care facilities.

It will take some time before the vaccine is available to everyone, and while experts learn more about the protection vaccines provide, it’s important to keep using all the tools available to us to help stop the pandemic. This includes wearing masks, washing hands, staying 6 feet apart.

Data glitch temporarily prevents reporting of coronavirus cases for cities, zip codes on RUHS-Public Health website


Riverside County residents and others who track the number of coronavirus cases by zip codes and communities were surprised Monday (Dec. 14) when they saw the data had not been updated for several days.

Riverside County health officials determined a glitch in the data retrieval system prevented the numbers from being updated Monday.

Because the information could be obtained through other means, the number of overall cases, deaths, recoveries and other data normally displayed on RUHS-Public Health’s website (www.rivcoph.org/coronavirus) was available. 

The updates were made to the website on Tuesday, Dec. 15.

RUHS Behavioral Health extends a helping hand

behavioral health

Riverside University Health System (RUHS) Behavioral Health's Take my Hand Peer Chat is urging residents to reach out in times of need.

The web-based online peer support chat service offers a sense of connectedness and support for colleagues and community members who may be feeling the weight of current events heavy on their shoulders.

Take My Hand is operated by Peer Support Specialists who are ready to listen. The chat is anonymous (you choose your own avatar/name) and there is no criteria to meet to access this free service.

The chat service is available from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday (excluding holidays).

Learn more here: https://takemyhand.co/

Testing, safety precautions urged to slow the spread of the virus


With the holiday season upon us, health officials urge residents to continue to wear a mask, wash hands thoroughly and frequently and keep a healthy distance from others.

If you learn that you have possibly been exposed to someone who has COVID-19, wait five days after you may have been exposed to be tested for the virus.  

Testing is available to all, regardless of immigration status, insurance or whether one has symptoms or not.

There is no charge to the individual.

For a map of county and state-operated testing sites and to schedule an appointment, visit https://gettested.ruhealth.org.

Meet your Riverside County public health contact tracers

contact tracer

Nicolette is one of the many individuals who are working to fight the spread of COVID-19 in her role as a contact tracer with the Riverside County Public Health department.

Nicolette was born and raised in the Inland Empire, and went to school at Riverside Community College. She is a recent graduate from UC San Diego with a Bachelors degree in Global Health.

Nicolette shares: "This is one of my first experiences working in public health. It's been really rewarding being able to speak with people around the community, and to be a resource for them during these challenging times. I really appreciate the team I work with as we collaborate and support each other on projects and assignments that are aimed to help the community."

Do you have a question for the Riverside University Health System (RUHS) Public Health contact tracers? Reach out by calling 951.955.5950 or send an email at CHAWebmaster@ruhealth.org.

Community Action team delivers CARES packages


Community Action Partnership (CAP) of Riverside County provided 200 CARES packages to TAY Arena for Transitional/Homeless Youth – Mid County on Tuesday, Dec. 8.

The packages aim to provide immediate temporary relief to help alleviate the stress due to the lack of access to essential items for members in our community who are unsheltered.

Each of the CARES packages contain items to aid with basic hygiene such as toothbrushes, shampoo and hand sanitizer, and first aid to help meet their immediate needs.

To learn more about Community Action Partnership and its many programs that assist Riverside County residents, visit www.capriverside.org.