Dear neighbors,
I have high hopes for 2023: more walkability in Fairmount Park, more connectivity and healthy living in our communities ... and maybe even saying "good-bye" to library fines (learn more below.) Read on to learn how we're dreaming big and working hard this January.
Looking forward to all we'll accomplish together this year,
 P.S. Liz, Ramona, and I welcomed baby Simon to our family in November. As one of the newest Ward 1 residents, Simon is very lucky to grow up in this community. He looks forward to meeting you all soon.
You're invited to my first office hours of 2023. Bring your ideas and questions to help us make Ward 1 the best it can be and join us at 6 PM in the City Hall Lobby on January 31st.
Blue Zones, Longer Lives
What are the keys to a longer life? Just ask people living in the blue zones: communities around the world where people live to be over 100 years old. By reducing stress, eating more plants, having strong friendships and families, and moving their bodies, people in these communities have reduced early mortality and are thriving. 60 communities across the U.S. have become Blue Zone Certified--and Riverside could be one! Take a deep-dive on this topic and start imagining how Riverside can join the growing list of Blue Zones. Be a part of the conversation on January 31st from 8-10 AM at the Main Library.
A More Pedestrian-Friendly Fairmount Park
Raise your hand if you've ever pushed a stroller or wheelchair across overgrown tree roots in Fairmount Park? This year, the Public Works Team is hoping to make the park more pedestrian-friendly. We're hosting a Pedestrian Zone Pilot Program to make it safer for you to walk in Fairmount Park. Come on down to Fairmount Park on February 10th-17th to test out proposed solutions for yourself. Tell us what you think in-person, and keep your eye out for an online survey to share your thoughts virtually.
Goodbye, Late Library Fines
Library fines are out in 2023. On January 17th, The City Council joined other U.S. cities in eliminating late fees on books at City libraries. Some cities have noted that up to 30% of "blocked library cards belonged to patrons younger than 18". According to Mercury News, late fees don't generate funding, but they do deter community members from using the library. Read the press release to learn more.
Let's Talk About Parking
Riverside is hosting the second community workshop on Parking Rates on January 19th at the Main Library from 5:30-7 PM. Take this one-minute survey to tell us what your priorities are for the parking fund. We'll look over your feedback from the Parking Survey and get the first draft of new rates & hours schedules.
*For meeting information, videos, agendas, and e-comment submissions, visit us here.