We’re so excited about the first article below, we won’t bore you with the preamble. |
At their June 15 meeting, East Bay Community Energy’s Board of Directors approved an historic $770 million budget for Fiscal Year 2022-23. The budget will provide a wide range of benefits to customers throughout the East Bay, including:
- For customers on Bright Choice, a 3% discount to PG&E rates. That’s $19 million in annual savings relative to PG&E rates.
- For customers on Renewable 100, a 25% lower premium than in previous years (premium rate declines from 1¢ to ¾ ¢ per kilowatt-hour).
- Providing a $50 bill credit to all customers on income-qualifying CARE & FERA discounts in 2022. That’s $6.23 million in immediate savings for 124,600 homes.
- Increase the renewable energy content of EBCE’s power mix by 5% above the previous Board-approved schedule for 2022 and 2023 Bright Choice targets.
- 2022: Renewables 45% --> 50%; Carbon Free 63% --> 68%
- 2023: Renewables 49% --> 54%; Carbon Free 66% --> 71%
- Increase local programs annual budget by ~160% to $22.5 million.
- Increase funding for community innovation grants to $4.2 million over 3 years.
Details here.
Visit our Power Station at the Alameda County Fair, featuring some fun and interesting interactive displays about energy. And then stick around for some fried food, music, and rides! Details: https://annual.alamedacountyfair.com
EBCE's Luciana solar project in Tulare County, CA
EBCE's Luciana solar project now operating, new geothermal project in development
Last month EBCE's power resources team celebrated two notable miilestones: the completion of EBCE's fifth utility-scale renewable energy project, and the signing of our first geothermal project.
The solar project with Idemitsu Renewables provides 56 megawatts of California solar, and marks the fifth project EBCE has completed since December 2020, totaling 168 MW of solar, 157.5 MW of wind, and 10 MW/40MWh of battery storage. Details about EBCE's power projects here.
The geothermal project is to build a 40 megawatt facility in Churchill County (NV) with developer Fervo Energy. The project will provide 24/7 emissions-free energy starting in 2026.
 EBCE and Rising Sun Center for Opportunity at the March 26 Oakland Roots game. The Roots scored 2 goals, bringing $1,020 to Rising Sun.
Non-profit of the game gets exposure, donations
Since their opening season in 2019, EBCE has been a proud sponsor of local professional soccer team Oakland Roots. EBCE and Oakland Roots have shared missions when it comes to community engagement and environmental sustainability. As part of the 2022 season, EBCE and Oakland Roots are selecting a local non-profit of the game to feature. The non-profit gets the opportunity to host a booth at the pre-game block party, tickets to the game, and receives a donation of $510 for each goal scored by the Roots. This season's non-profits have included Rising Sun Center for Opportunity, Asian Pacific Environmental Network, Roots of Success, California Interfaith Power & Light, Ecology Center, Spectrum Community Services, and 100k Trees for Humanity.
Executive Committee | 6/24 at noon | Link
Board of Directors - Special Board Retreat – Power Procurement | 7/6 at 11am
Community Advisory Committee | 7/18 at 6pm
Board of Directors | 7/20 at 5pm