We're heading into budget season. That sentence doesn't usually bring joy to EBCE staff, but this coming fiscal year's budget holds a lot of potential. EBCE's staff report for the May 18 Board meeting included these recommendations:
- Reduce EBCE rates relative to PG&E rates by making Bright Choice a 3% discount to PG&E and Renewable 100 a premium $0.0075 above PG&E
- Provide a $50 bill credit to all EBCE customers on CARE & FERA (income qualified)
- Increase annual funding for local programs by 143% to $20.6 million
- Invest $15 million with UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland to fund the development of a pediatric asthma program
- Fund community grants ($2.25 million over 3 years)
Now that's some exciting budget news! EBCE's Board will review and approve a budget at their June 15 meeting. The public is welcome to attend and provide comments.
A year ago, most residential electricity customers in Alameda County were placed on Time of Use (TOU) electricity rates as part of a statewide transition to support more renewable energy.
With TOU rates, the cost of electricity varies depending on the time of day, with 4pm-9pm typically being the most expensive. The transition included a year of bill protection, which ensured that if you paid more over the course of a year on TOU rates than you would have on a non-TOU rate, then a bill credit would subsequently be issued for the difference around May/June 2022. The year of bill protection has now concluded. If the total you paid during your first year is more than you would have paid on your previous non-TOU rate plan, you will be credited the difference on an upcoming energy statement. Learn more at ebce.org/timeofuse.
You have the option of changing your rate plan and can view a personalized rate plan comparison online. Choose the rate plan that is best for you by logging on to your account at pge.com/toubp or by calling 1-866-743-7945.
Note that the following classes of customers were excluded from the automatic transition:
Customers enrolled in the Medical Baseline program
Customers enrolled in or eligible for the California Alternative Rates for Energy (CARE) program or Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA) program who live in hot climate zones
Customers who have started PG&E service as of October 1, 2020 or later
It's fire season again. Please sign up for Flex Alerts to learn about critical times to reduce your electricity usage and to receive energy efficiency tips. Visit flexalert.org.
Berkeley researchers would like to invite you to participate in a voluntary research study about energy consumption trends, reliability, and affordability
UC Berkeley researchers are looking for diverse homeowners and renters to participate in a study on household electrification. Participate in an interview to share your experiences and ideas on your home’s energy needs. You’ll receive $40 for your time.
Participating in the study involves a 30-45-minute interview in-person, preferably in your home (following local health guidelines for COVID-19) or in a video call. Researchers will talk about any concerns you have about the reliability and affordability of energy services, and ask about your views related to any changes you have made or plan to make in your electricity and natural gas consumption (i.e purchasing back-up generators, changing from gas to electric heating or installing solar panels). Your responses will remain anonymous in the analysis and results.
Interested in participating? Please contact them via email (cristina_crespo@berkeley.edu) or phone (+1 628-276-3167), or fill in this form: https://forms.gle/VRMG1Jhhttpx9Wm69
Bike to Wherever Day is back today! Pledge to ride and get your map of energizer stations for the big day, digital goody bag, and self-guided rides to celebrate. EBCE staff are hosting a booth at Snow Park by Lake Merritt in Oakland from 4-6 PM. Get all the details: BikeEastBay.org/BTWD
Try a free Green House Call
Looking for more ways to save on your utility bills? Looking to save money and make your home more sustainable? Our friends at the non-profit Rising Sun Center for Opportunity can provide you with a free energy and water efficiency service. When you sign up for a Green House Call, energy assistants will perform an energy and water assessment of your home, install LED light bulbs, more efficient showerheads, and a powerstrip for your TV to help you lower your utility bills. The entire service comes to you at No-Cost!
All you need to do to receive your Green House Call is:
- fill out the online survey, or
- fill out the survey over the phone by calling 510-665-1501 Ext. 300.
This program is not income-qualified and is available for both renters and homeowners. Green House Calls are supported by California utility customers like you and administered under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission, so take this opportunity to make your ratepayer dollars work for you with energy efficiency services that help you save on your utility bill!
To learn more about Green House Calls visit https://risingsunopp.org/programs/ghc
Executive Committee | 5/27 at noon | Link
Marketing, Regulatory and Legislative Subcommittee | 6/3 at noon | Link
Community Advisory Committee | 6/13 at 6pm | Link
Board of Directors | 6/15 at 5pm | Link