Supervisor Kate Sears invites you to join her for An Earth Day Experience on Saturday, April 21st from 9:00 am until 12:00 noon

My Earth Day Marin 2012 

Come Out and Volunteer! 

Belloc Lagoon Cleanup – Strawberry Manor

Saturday, April 21st, 2012 -  9:00 am to 12:00 pm

My Earth Day Marin


Join Supervisor Kate Sears and Your Neighbors For An Earth Day Experience!


Site Location: Strawberry Cove Park, across from 107 Seminary Drive, Mill Valley (about a block west of the intersection of Seminary Drive and Ricardo Road), CA 94941

Project Description: Belloc Lagoon is tucked between DaSilva Island and Seminary Drive, which makes it an ideal sheltered cordgrass marsh that provides quiet salt water habitat. The scenic path around Belloc Lagoon tends to accumulate trash that blows in from the surrounding streets and pathway. Volunteers are needed to help with cleanup of litter and trash from the edges of the lagoon, Strawberry Cove Park, and the surrounding path and streets. The site is on level ground and the project is recommended for volunteers of all ages.


What Will Be Provided: Tools, refreshments, trash bags, and disposable gloves.


What To Bring:  Reusable water bottle, gloves, sunscreen, layered clothing, sturdy closed-toe shoes, a 5-gallon bucket to collect recyclable bottles/cans (reduce the use of plastic bags).


Registration/Sign-up Information: Volunteers can just show up at the meeting location. All volunteers must sign in at the table and fill out a waiver form. Youth under the age of 14 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. All youth must have a waiver form signed by a parent in order to volunteer.


For More Information: Contact Ray McDevitt (415) 388-9218 or Vicky Dehnert (512) 454-4109


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