Boards and Commissions - Get Involved!

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Our Boards and Commissions rely on civic-minded residents to help guide and shape our policies. If you have been thinking about getting engaged, check out these openings. If you are thinking about getting involved and aren't sure, I invite you to reach out to my office. My aides would be happy to connect you with opportunities to get involved in the community or with subject matter experts who can tell you more about these boards and commissions. 

Vacancy Alert! Commission on Aging Opening July 1, 2024! Apply Now!

The Marin County Commission on Aging is federally mandated by the Older Americans Act to advise the Area Agency on Aging (AAA) and the Marin County Board of Supervisors. The Commission is an advisory council that advocates for, educates, and celebrates older adults throughout Marin County. The Commission strives to promote understanding and positive change in the community through the values of diversity, equity, inclusion, respect, and collaboration. The Commission is supported in its work by the AAA. If you want to learn more about the Commission on Aging, please get in touch with Gary Lara, at The Commission on Aging is having a meet and greet on Thursday, May 2 from 3pm - 5pm at the McInnis Club Restaurant. This informal gathering will provide an opportunity to learn about the work the Commission is doing and how to join the Commission or one of its committees.



Marin County Service Area #18 (Las Gallinas)

County Service Area (CSA) 18 was created to provide local park and recreation facilities and services in Santa Venetia. The Advisory Board provides recommendations to the Board of Supervisors on issues impacting neighborhood parks like Adrian-Rosal, Castro Park, Pueblo Park, and Candy's Park. Please note you must reside within the CSA to serve on the board. If you want to learn more about CSA 18, please get in touch with Jim Chayka at



Flood Zone #6 (Rafael Meadows)

Flood Zone 6 was created in the 1960’s to address frequent flooding in the low-lying neighborhood just west of Highway 101 across from the County Civic Center. The Zone occupies a very small part of the Gallinas Creek Watershed. It is also the County's smallest flood control zone. It covers only 0.16 square mile entirely within the City of San Rafael. The neighborhood was unincorporated when the Zone was established, but was annexed by City of San Rafael. The City now owns and maintains the Zone’s drainage easements. There are 440 parcels in the Zone. In the early 2000s, construction of a new subdivision rerouted stormwater infrastructure around the community. This eliminated a significant cause of flooding in the zone. Please note you must reside within the Flood Zone to serve on the board. If you want to learn more about Flood Zone #6, please get in touch with Hannah Lee at



Behavioral Health Board (At-Large)

The Marin County Behavioral Health Board is an advisory board established within the State Welfare and Institutions Code with the purpose of reviewing and evaluating the mental health and substance use programs, services, facilities, and needs of the County. Given County, Health and Human Services, and Behavioral Health and Recovery Services’ goals to create a more equitable County, the Behavioral Health Board has an instrumental role in supporting and ensuring equitable outcomes that meet the behavioral health needs of underserved populations in the County. If you want to learn more about the Behavioral Health Board, please get in touch with Taffy Lavie at



Financial Audit Advisory Committee (At-Large)

The Financial Audit Advisory Committee (FAAC) is an advisory commission of the Board of Supervisors. The purpose and duties of the FAAC are to review the annual independent audit of the County's financial records and to encourage business practices in the County that are consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. If you want to learn more about the Financial Audit Advisory Committee, please get in touch with Jennifer Mendoza at



First 5 Marin Children and Families Commission (At-Large)

The First 5 Marin Children and Families Commission guides the investment of Proposition 10 funds in Marin County. The goals are to connect families to services and resources to optimize their child's development, support high-quality early care and education to encourage early development and promote both physical and mental health for children. If you want to learn more about the First 5 Marin Children and Families Commission, please get in touch with Maria Patricia Niggle at




Serving on Boards and Commissions is a great way to learn about local government and improve our community. We want your participation and to hear from you on these important issues. 

Please stay in touch, 

Mary's Signature

Marin County Board of Supervisors, District 1
3501 Civic Center Drive, Suite 329, San Rafael, CA 94903
Direct Tel: (415) 473-7331

District Aide: Crystal Martinez
Direct Tel: (415) 473-7342

District Aide: Julia Reinhard
Direct Tel: (415) 473-7354

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