SFD Lights Meeting Follow Up

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SFD Lights Meeting Follow Up

Dear Kentfield/Greenbrae residents,

Thank you to all who were able to attend the recent community meeting to discuss the SFD lights and next steps. I appreciated the opportunity to give an update and hear from all of you. For those that weren’t able to attend, you can now view the meeting – the link lives on the homepage of my website.

To summarize, the new streetlighting on Sir Francis Drake Boulevard, installed along the median from El Portal to Eliseo Drive, was turned on the night of February 3. This was the first time the new median lights were illuminated, and the resulting lighting effect was not as intended. The County of Marin recognized the undesirable effect of this lighting and the project team is now working with a new lighting consultant to find a long-term solution that maintains the safety goals of the corridor while addressing concerns expressed by residents. For an immediate short-term fix, the new streetlighting along the median near the Bon Air Center has been turned off until a long-term lighting solution can be found. Previously installed new lighting at the intersections will remain active for safety reasons.

The lighting system is now being reviewed to ensure that the revised improvements are appropriate for each section of the corridor. This may include modifications such as adding lighting backplates, pole replacements, and fixture replacements as necessary, among other potential solutions. The immediate next steps are focusing on gathering data and developing alternatives. Following that, the County plans to meet with the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) in April to present alternatives/options. In May, the County will host a community meeting to give a project status update and present preferred alternatives. I will be pushing out this meeting information in advance, so please make sure you are subscribed to Kentfield/Greenbrae updates under the BOS listing.

Coming out of our recent meeting, the project team is in the process of updating the Upgrade the Drake FAQ’s to address the questions that were raised (e.g. cost, night time traffic levels).

Update on La Cuesta Intersection architectural elements and landscaping:

I have been receiving questions from community members regarding the La Cuesta intersection. So giving you a quick update. The intersection reconfiguration will be completed in the next two weeks, but it will be a several more months before all the architectural elements and landscaping will be installed and completed. Recognizing that the La Cuesta intersection serves as the historic entry point to the community, the existing statue will be preserved (now in safekeeping) and architectural elements of the new median will be consistent with the existing landscaped fountain theme (e.g. circular center, stair steps, decorative capstone, and statue). The median design can be viewed here (scroll down to last page).

Please make sure you are signed up for updates from Upgrade the Drake and if you haven’t already, share your input on the website as well.

Thank you again for your engagement!

 Katie Rice Signature


Contact Info:

Supervisor Katie Rice




District 2 Aides:

Nancy Vernon



Jen Gauna

