Update from Kate
Please Share Widely:
Are you interested in hearing from BIPOC members of the Marin community about their lived experiences of racism in our county? Would you like to participate in a local effort to build an anti-racist community? And would you like to take concrete action to help bring resources to those in Marin who need them most?
If you answered yes to any of the above, then read on to learn about three opportunities that may be of interest -- and please, share widely!
The Census Bureau will stop collecting 2020 data tomorrow - Thursday, October 15. So if your household hasn't participated yet, there's no time like the present!
It’s essential that EVERYONE participate in the Census. An accurate count of the local population has direct ties to federal funding for programs vital to our daily lives—from health care programs to emergency services, school nutrition programs and beyond.
The best means to guarantee your data is properly collected is to provide it yourself. You can do so online at MY2020CENSUS.GOV until 11:59pm on October 15. You can also complete your Census by phone, calling 844-330-2020 for English or 844-468-2020 for Spanish. October 15 is also the postmark deadline if you want to mail in the paper form you received at home.
Over the past year in Marin County, efforts have been underway to pay special attention to what are called Hard To Count (HTC) communities. Historically undercounted populations include racial and ethnic minorities, people who speak languages other than English, those with low internet proficiency or access to technology, children 5 and under, adults over the age of 65, young people who move frequently or have plans to move soon, and rural residents.
I am especially proud to share that the people of Marin City, which has historically been an HTC community, have stepped up and shown that #MarinCityCounts. Thanks to the outstanding efforts of Performing Stars, Marin City Community Services District, and Marin City Community Development Corporation, over 67% of households in Marin City have responded to the 2020 Census - an increase of more than 8% over the 2010 Census response rate!
At present, Marin County's overall response rate is 76%, and we have limited time to nudge that closer to 100%!
To help us get EVERYONE to participate, please take the following steps right now:
Respond to the Census if you haven't already. Do so online (MY2020CENSUS.GOV), by phone (844-330-2020 for English and 844-468-2020 for Spanish), or by mailing in the paper form you received at home.
Ask your extended family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors if they have completed the Census. If not, share the above website and phone numbers with them.
Share on social media that you've completed the Census. Explain why it's important to you, and ask those you're connected with to do the same.
For more information about local census efforts, visit MarinCensus2020.org and Census.gov.
On Saturday, October 17, the Marin Shakespeare Company is hosting a discussion featuring six young Black, Latinx, and Native American men and women raised in Marin County who will share their experiences with racism right here in our community.
They'll share their views on how a county that prides itself on being welcoming, smart, and action-oriented is often oblivious to the racism and many structural societal issues that perpetuate bias, racism, and ultimately significant social injustice.
The event will be moderated by Teveia Barnes, Marin resident and Executive Director of Lawyers For One America. Marin Shakespeare Company is partnering with American Association of University Women, Lawyers for One America, the Gaynes-Jones Education Foundation, and Dominican University’s Women’s Leadership Philanthropy Council to bring this event to our community.
Register by October 15 for this free event. You will receive a link to the webinar after registration.
The County of Marin is recruiting 15-20 community members to serve on its new Race Equity Planning Committee, which will provide recommendations to the County on how to build an anti-racist community and revise the community-facing elements of the County’s 2017 Race Equity Plan.
The County is committed to forming a diverse stakeholder group, and as such, committee applicants must be a current Marin County resident AND identify as at least one of the following:
- A community member who is Black, Indigenous or a person of color
- A community member who identifies as a woman
- A community member who is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans*, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual (LGBTQQIA+)
- A community member who is between the ages of 15 and 25
- A community member who is 60 years of age or older
- A community member who is facing chronic illnesses, mental health challenges, or disabilities
- A community member who is undocumented or underdocumented
Committee members are asked to make a one-year commitment of no more than six hours per month. The deadline for applications is 5:00pm on Friday, November 6.
If you are interested in being considered for the committee, apply online or obtain a paper application at 3501 Civic Center Drive, Suite 325, San Rafael. Phone applications are being taken weekdays from 3:00-5:00pm at (415) 473-3149. Applications are available in Spanish and Vietnamese, and can be translated into other languages as needed. For translation services or other inquiries, please contact the Marin County Office of Equity via e-mail or by calling (415) 473-3149.