Talus LLC update

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Dear Community Members,

I want to share information regarding a tree removal permit that may be of interest to you. Jim Idleman, on behalf of Lafferty Communities, has applied for a tree removal permit in the undeveloped hillside at the end of Erin Drive, off Las Gallinas. The permit would facilitate Lafferty Communities to move forward with developing 28 single-family homes. Below is some background information to shed a light on the topic.

  Arial view of Talus Reserve property  

In 2005, the Oakview Master Plan was approved for subdivision of a 106.3 acre parcel into four parcels. First is the subject property, which Lafferty Communities has named the Talus Reserve. Second, named The Oaks, received approval in 2018 to develop an assisted living residence along the highway (we have not heard of any active plans to move forward with the construction at this time). Third, a parcel reserved for Caltrans to build an intersection. Fourth, an open space parcel dedicated to the Marinwood Community Services District for ongoing public use.

In 2009, the Oakview Vesting Tentative Map and Precise Development Plan were approved. These plans authorized the Talus Reserve parcel to be subdivided and developed into 28 single-family homes located east of Ellen Drive on the undeveloped hillside.  The decision is final, and the Tentative Map is now vested.

The 2009 approval did not include a tree removal permit. Lafferty Communities is actively seeking approval to remove eight heritage trees and eleven protected trees on the Talus Reserve.  Additional background information on this project can be found on the project page.

If you want to be heard on the tree removal permit, I encourage you to contact Kathleen Kilgariff, Marin County Planner at (415) 473-7173 or kkilgariff@marincounty.org.  The application was posted on June 5. Please submit your comments this week.

I want to ensure the larger neighborhood is aware of the application.  As always, my door is open to discuss projects or anything else on your mind.

Let’s keep talking.



Damon Connolly

District 1, Marin County Board of Supervisors

3501 Civic Center Drive, Suite 329, San Rafael, CA 94903



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District Aide: Mary Sackett
Direct Tel: (415) 473-7354 
Email: msackett@marincounty.org

District Aide: Gustavo Goncalves
Direct Tel: (415) 473-7342 
Email: ggoncalves@marincounty.org