Update from Kate - Seminary Tomorrow Working Group Update of July 12, 2018

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Update from Kate


A Message from the Seminary Tomorrow Working Group


The Seminary Tomorrow discussion participants, North Coast Land Holdings (NCLH) which owns the Seminary property and the community caucus members, have asked me to share their periodic updates with residents who subscribe to my District Three news and information updates.


Please feel welcome to share this update with others in the community who wish to know about these discussions. Enjoy the final weeks of summer.

Seminary Tomorrow Working Group - Community Update July 12, 2018

July 2018

This is the second in a series of updates on the progress of discussions regarding the future redevelopment of the Seminary site in Strawberry between North Coast Land Holdings (NCLH) and community representatives.

This past spring, representatives of the Strawberry community and North Coast Land Holdings formed a working group which they named Seminary Tomorrow. The goal of this group is to explore redevelopment options designed to meet current and future community needs and to agree on a scenario that will ultimately be presented to the community (see below) prior to beginning the County of Marin’s extensive public review process (e.g., Strawberry Design Review Board, Planning Commission, Environmental Review, etc.).

The working group has met four times and will continue to meet through the summer. These meetings have explored NCLH’s proposed scenarios including a mix of housing types, academic/institutional uses, a senior living facility, and potential recreational amenities and open space. NCLH’s overarching goal is to create a forward-thinking, intergenerational community while honoring the community’s desire to minimize impacts and ensure the tranquility of Strawberry for future generations.

With NCLH’s initial presentations complete, the focus of the meetings has shifted to the community representatives’ feedback to NCLH which derives from the current Strawberry Community Plan, and the more recent Strawberry Vision process.

There will be a public meeting to update the community on the process and provide opportunities for public input on the work to date. The date of this meeting will be announced after Labor Day with enough lead-time for people to incorporate the meeting into their plans.

For more information about the Seminary Tomorrow working group or to be added to our project mailing list, please contact:

 Josh Sale, SeminaryNeighbors@gmail.com

 Tracy Craig, 510-334-4866 (nights/weekends okay) or tracy@craig-communications.com